This profile sets-up a few categories, objects and perspectives to allow to test perspective switching and the jailroot feature.
Here we have a few examples of overriding various preferences like Site title, theme, etc. You can manage them at tiki-edit_perspective.php (Tiki5)
Category jail is important as well. fixed
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preferences: feature_categories: y feature_perspective: y feature_jquery_ui: y #Need to manage perspectives on tiki-edit_perspective.php feature_blogs: y feature_forums: y feature_file_galleries: y feature_trackers: y feature_search: y feature_top_bar: y feature_sheet: y permissions: Anonymous: allow: [ perspective_view ] objects: - type: module ref: persp_switcher data: name: perspective position: right order: 1 groups: [ Admins, Registered, Anonymous ] - type: module ref: category_listing data: name: categories position: right order: 2 groups: [ Admins, Registered, Anonymous ] - type: category ref: tree_a data: name: A items: - [ wiki page, $aonly ] - [ forum, $foruma ] - [ forum, $foruma_and_b ] - [ file gallery, $fgaonly ] - [ blog, $aonlyblog ] - [ blog, $aandbblog ] - [ tracker, $trackera ] - type: category ref: tree_b data: name: B items: - [ wiki page, $bonly ] - [ forum, $forumb ] - [ forum, $foruma_and_b ] - [ file gallery, $fgbonly ] - [ blog, $bonlyblog ] - [ blog, $aandbblog ] - type: category ref: a1 data: name: a1 parent: $tree_a items: - [ wiki page, $o1 ] - [ wiki page, $oax ] - [ file gallery, $fg1 ] - [ file gallery, $fgax ] - type: category ref: a2 data: name: a2 parent: $tree_a items: - [ wiki page, $o2 ] - [ wiki page, $oax ] - [ file gallery, $fg2 ] - [ file gallery, $fgax ] - type: category ref: a3 data: name: a3 parent: $tree_a items: - [ wiki page, $o3 ] - [ wiki page, $oax ] - [ file gallery, $fg3 ] - [ file gallery, $fgax ] - type: category ref: b1 data: name: b1 parent: $tree_b items: - [ wiki page, $o1 ] - [ wiki page, $obx ] - [ file gallery, $fg1 ] - [ file gallery, $fgbx ] - type: category ref: b2 data: name: b2 parent: $tree_b items: - [ wiki page, $o2 ] - [ wiki page, $obx ] - [ file gallery, $fg2 ] - [ file gallery, $fgbx ] - type: category ref: b3 data: name: b3 parent: $tree_b items: - [ wiki page, $o3 ] - [ wiki page, $obx ] - [ file gallery, $fg3 ] - [ file gallery, $fgbx ]
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objects: - type: wiki_page ref: o1 data: name: A1 and B1 content: ContentA1 ContentB1 - type: wiki_page ref: o2 data: name: A2 and B2 content: ContentA2 ContentB2 - type: wiki_page ref: o3 data: name: A3 and B3 content: ContentA3 ContentB3 - type: wiki_page ref: oax data: name: A1 A2 A3 content: ContentA1 ContentA2 ContentA3 - type: wiki_page ref: obx data: name: B1 B2 B3 content: ContentB1 ContentB2 ContentB3 - type: wiki_page ref: aonly data: name: A content: ContentA - type: wiki_page ref: bonly data: name: B content: ContentB
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objects: - type: blog ref: aonlyblog data: title: A - type: blog ref: bonlyblog data: title: B - type: blog ref: aandbblog data: title: A and B
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objects: - type: forum ref: foruma data: name: A - type: forum ref: forumb data: name: B - type: forum ref: foruma_and_b data: name: A and B
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objects: - type: file_gallery ref: fg1 data: name: A1 and B1 flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fg2 data: name: A2 and B2 flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fg3 data: name: A3 and B3 flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fgax data: name: A1 A2 A3 flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fgbx data: name: B1 B2 B3 flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fgaonly data: name: A flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fgbonly data: name: B flags: [ public, visible ]
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objects: - type: tracker ref: trackera data: name: Bugs description: Standard bug tracker default_status: open show: [ status, creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] allow: [ comments, attachments ] - type: tracker_field ref: bug_tracker_summary data: name: Summary tracker: $trackera type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: bug_tracker_priority data: name: Priority tracker: $trackera type: dropdown options: 5 (high),4,3,2,1 (low) flags: [ searchable, public, list ] order: 20
Here we have a few examples of overriding various preferences like Site title, theme, etc. You can manage them at tiki-edit_perspective.php (Tiki5)
Category jail is important as well.
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objects: - type: perspective data: name: A preferences: category_jail: [ $tree_a ] sitetitle: This is perspective A - type: perspective data: name: B preferences: category_jail: [ $tree_b ] sitetitle: This is perspective B site_style: thenews.css - type: perspective data: name: A1 preferences: category_jail: [ $a1 ] site_style: feb12.css - type: perspective data: name: A2 preferences: category_jail: [ $a2 ] site_style: darkroom.css - type: perspective data: name: A3 preferences: category_jail: [ $a3 ] - type: perspective data: name: B1 preferences: category_jail: [ $b1 ] - type: perspective data: name: B2 preferences: category_jail: [ $b2 ] - type: perspective data: name: B3 preferences: category_jail: [ $b3 ] - type: perspective data: name: 1 preferences: category_jail: [ $profileobject:a1$, $profileobject:b1$ ] - type: perspective data: name: 2 preferences: category_jail: [ $profileobject:a2$, $profileobject:b2$ ] - type: perspective data: name: 3 preferences: category_jail: [ $profileobject:a3$, $profileobject:b3$ ] - type: perspective data: name: ALL preferences: category_jail: [ $profileobject:tree_a$, $profileobject:tree_b$ ]