History: Company_Intranet
Preview of version: 72
Table of contents
The purpose of this profile is to generate a quick start for a Corporate Intranet of a typical medium-sized business. The profile will ask a few questions.
This will have the general look of ui.tikiwiki.org with the coelesce.css theme.
Activating features
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preferences: feature_articles : y feature_blogs : y feature_calendar : y feature_file_galleries : y feature_forums : y feature_polls : y feature_trackers : y feature_newsletters : y feature_categories : y feature_score : y feature_trackers : y feature_search : y feature_minichat : y feature_sheet : y feature_user_watches : y feature_group_watches : y feature_groupalert : y feature_messages : y feature_notepad : y feature_tasks : y feature_mytiki : y feature_user_bookmarks : y feature_userfiles : y feature_wiki : y feature_wiki_print : y feature_wiki_attachments: y feature_wiki_comments: y feature_backlinks: y
Other preferences
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preferences: style: coelesce.css feature_useGroupHome : y allowRegister : n forgotPass : y feature_userPreferences : y
Creating a menu
Top bar menu
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preferences: feature_sitemenu : y feature_topbar_id_menu: $profileobject:Company_Intranet_menu$
Menu items
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objects: - type: menu ref: Company_Intranet_menu data: name: My Menu description: A menu containing the base navigation of the site collapse: none items: - name: Home url: ((HomePage)) groups: [ Anonymous ] - name: About url: ((About)) groups: [ Registered ] items: - name: History url: ((History)) groups: [ Registered ] - name: Team url: ((Team)) groups: [ Registered ] - name: Policies & procedures url: ((Policies_procedures)) groups: [ Registered ] - name: Calendar url: tiki-calendar.php groups: [ Registered ] - name: Forums url: tiki-forums.php groups: [ Registered ] - name: Files url: tiki-list_file_gallery.php groups: [ Registered ] - name: Contact url: ((Contact)) groups: [ Registered ] - name: Admin menu url: tiki-admin_menu_options.php?menuId=43 permissions: [ edit_menu_option ]
- Wiki pages
- Policies & procedures
- New employee section
- About this site
- What is a wiki
- Help
- How tos
- Set up voice mail
- Employee_directory (phone book)
- Forms
- Vacation request
- Employee referrals
- Employee suggestions
- Job_board
- News
- Calendar
- Lost & Found, birth announcements, etc.
- Discussion forum
- Links
- Public site
- Suppliers
- File gallery
- Files by dept
Wiki pages
FAQ: a Wiki page but with nice FAQ style formatAdds company_intranet_home_page_include
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objects: - type: wiki_page ref: company_intranet_home_page_include data: name: HomePage description: Home lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:company_intranet_home_page_include - type: wiki_page ref: wiki_sample_page_History data: name: History description: History lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Simple_Sample_Page - type: wiki_page ref: wiki_sample_page_Team data: name: Team description: Team lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Simple_Sample_Page - type: wiki_page ref: wiki_sample_page_Products data: name: Products description: Products lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Simple_Sample_Page - type: wiki_page ref: wiki_sample_page_Services data: name: Services description: Services lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Simple_Sample_Page - type: wiki_page ref: wiki_sample_page_Newsletter data: name: Newsletter description: Newsletter lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Simple_Sample_Page
Special permission on HomePage
This page company_intranet_home_page_include created above
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permissions: Anonymous: objects: - type: wiki_page id: $company_intranet_home_page_include allow: [ view ] Registered: description: Will be ignored because group is already created objects: - type: wiki_page id: $company_intranet_home_page_include allow: [ edit ]
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objects: - type: module ref: module_shoutbox data: name: shoutbox position : right groups : Registered order: 5 - type: module ref: module_upcoming_events data: name: upcoming_events position : right groups : Registered order: 10 - type: module ref: module_since_last_visit_new data: name : since_last_visit_new position : right groups : Registered order: 20
Sender email: I want no default: how?later: Add company name & logo in top somewhere
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preferences: browsertitle: $profilerequest:browsertitle$Our Intranet$ sitetitle: $profilerequest:sitetitle$Our Intranet$ sitesubtitle: $profilerequest:sitesubtitle$Improving collaboration$ sitelogo_src: #No logo by default, because it would be Tiki logo feature_sitelogo: y # This permits logo, title and subtitle
Uses:- Test_All_Themes
- Intranet_Permissions
- General_File_Gallery
- General_Forum
- Sample_Articles_include
- live_support_include
- Including_in_Bundled_profiles
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dependencies: - $profiles.tikiwiki.org:Intranet_Permissions:Intranet_Permissions - $profiles.tikiwiki.org:General_File_Gallery:General_File_Gallery - $profiles.tikiwiki.org:General_Forum:General_Forum - $profiles.tikiwiki.org:Sample_Articles_include:Sample_Articles_include - $profiles.tikiwiki.org:Live_Support:live_support_include - $profiles.tikiwiki.org:Test_All_Themes:Test_All_Themes - $profiles.tikiwiki.org:Powered_by:Powered_by # ((Powered_by))
To do
- Remove hardcoded menu admin link $Company_Intranet_menu vs $profileobject:Company_Intranet_menu$