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History: Conditional_Display_in_Forms

Preview of version: 4

Show case of how to use the plugin jquery to conditionally hide or display some fields in a form

To be continued.... In the mean time, see this:

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preferences: feature_trackers: y feature_user_watches: y instructions: Profile_Conditional_Display_in_Forms_instructions_page objects: - type: tracker ref: cdf data: name: Conditional Display in Forms description: Some fields will be shown/hidden based in selections in previous fields default_status: open show: [ status, creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] allow: [ comments, attachments ] - type: tracker_field ref: cdf_summary data: name: Summary tracker: $Conditional_Display_in_Forms:cdf type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 10

Sample data

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objects: - type: tracker_item ref: item_001 data: tracker: $Conditional_Display_in_Forms:cdf status: open values: - [ $Conditional_Display_in_Forms:cdf_summary, Sample issue 1 ] - type: tracker_item ref: item_002 data: tracker: $Conditional_Display_in_Forms:cdf status: pending values: - [ $Conditional_Display_in_Forms:cdf_summary, Sample issue 2 ]


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objects: - type: module ref: module_last_modif_tracker_items data: name: last_modif_tracker_items groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] position: right order: 5 params: trackerId: $cdf name: Summary - type: module ref: module_last_tracker_comments data: name: last_tracker_comments groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] position: right order: 9

Add a form to add bug report and a report of open bugs

This will include: Profile_Conditional_Display_in_Forms_instructions_page

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instructions: Conditional_Display_in_Forms_instructions preferences: enable: [ feature_wiki ] objects: - type: wiki_page ref: cdf_page data: name: Conditional_Display_in_Forms description: How it works lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_Conditional_Display_in_Forms_instructions_page


Information Version
Fri 24 of Apr, 2015 15:26 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro tweaked 6
Fri 24 of Apr, 2015 15:21 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fixed instruction page name 5
Fri 24 of Apr, 2015 15:19 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro renamed profile 4
Fri 24 of Apr, 2015 15:14 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro tweaked a bit 3
Fri 24 of Apr, 2015 15:07 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro cloned from Bug_Tracker profile so far 2
Fri 24 of Apr, 2015 15:05 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro Show case of how to use the plugin jquery to conditionally hide or display some fields in a form 1
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