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History: CartoGraf

Preview of version: 65

CartoGraf is a map and drawing centric profile for Tiki. It's an application to enhance learning in history and geography classes in high schools. This is a great example of how to use profiles to use a general purpose app (Tiki) to make a very specific application.

It will be launched in June 2012.

Work in Progress...
  • add theme as a .zip to this page or as a mods (will live in SVN)
    • Add an instruction page so as to install the theme done


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instructions: Instructions preferences: allowRegister: y feature_custom_html_head_content: '<script src="http://www.openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js"></script>' header_custom_js: wikicontent:CartoGraf_LiveHeaderMap url_after_validation: Account_Validated


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permissions: Anonymous: allow: - search - tracker_view_comments - tracker_view_ratings - view_trackers - view_trackers_pending - tracker_view_attachments Registered: allow: - attach_trackers - comment - comment_tracker_items - create_tracker_items - add_object - remove_object - upload_files

Look & Feel

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preferences: style: CartoGraf.css feature_fixed_width: n feature_page_title: n feature_sitelogo: y wiki_edit_plugin: n sitelogo_src: styles/CartoGraf/logo.gif

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objects: - type: menu ref: CartoGraf_Top_menu data: name: Top description: A menu containing the base navigation of the site collapse: none items: - name: Home url: ((HomePage)) - name: Partners url: ((Partners)) - type: menu ref: CartoGraf_RightEdge_menu data: name: RightEdge description: collapse: none items: - name: Register url: tiki-register.php - name: Try url: ((Try)) - name: Contact url: ((Contact))


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objects: - type: module ref: LiveHeaderMap_module data: position: top order: 0 name: LiveHeaderMap groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] custom: <div id="TheLiveHeaderMap" style="height:250px"></div> - type: module ref: TopMenu_module data: position: top order: 1 name: menu groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] params: id: $CartoGraf_Top_menu type:horiz css:y menu_id:TopMenu translate:y nobox:y decorations:n notitle:y style:"float: left; margin-left: 350px" - type: module ref: RightEdgeMenu_module data: position: right order: 1 name: menu groups: [ Registered ] params: id: $CartoGraf_RightEdge_menu menu_id: RightEdgeMenu nobox: y


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preferences: feature_wiki: y feature_articles: n feature_draw: y feature_mytiki: n feature_trackers: y geo_tilesets: [google_physical, openstreetmap, google_street, google_satellite] geo_google_streetview: y wikiplugin_appframe: y wikiplugin_list: y feature_search: y feature_wiki_argvariable: y trackerfield_geographicfeature: y fgal_upload_from_source: y


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objects: - type: tracker ref: pointsOfInterest data: name: Points of interest allow: creator_modification - type: tracker_field ref: poiName data: name: Name type: text_field tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ mandatory, list, title, link, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: poiIcon data: name: Icon type: icon tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ list ] options: "$profileobject:iconContainer$" - type: tracker_field ref: poiMap data: name: Map type: item_link options: "$profileobject:maps$,$profileobject:mapName$,0,,opc,,,,0,0,exact,one,0,$profileobject:mapShareCode$" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ mandatory, list, title, searchable ] permname: map visible: adminonly - type: tracker_field ref: poiLocation data: name: Location type: map options: "1" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ mandatory ] - type: tracker_field ref: poiFinder data: name: Finder type: user options: "1" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ mandatory, list ] permname: finder - type: tracker_field ref: poiDescription data: name: Description type: text_area options: "" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ ] - type: tracker_field ref: poiImage data: name: Image type: files options: "$profileobject:imageContainer$,image/*,1,1" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ ]

Zones Tracker

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objects: - type: tracker ref: zones data: name: Zones allow: creator_modification - type: tracker_field ref: zoneName data: name: Name type: text_field tracker: $zones flags: [ list, title, link, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: zoneMap data: name: Map type: item_link options: "$profileobject:maps$,$profileobject:mapName$,0,,opc,,,,0,0,exact,one,0,$profileobject:mapShareCode$" tracker: $zones flags: [ mandatory, list, title, searchable ] permname: map - type: tracker_field ref: zoneFeature data: name: Zone type: geographic_feature options: "" tracker: $zones flags: [ mandatory ] - type: tracker_field ref: zoneFinder data: name: Finder type: user options: "1" tracker: $zones flags: [ mandatory, list ] permname: finder - type: tracker_field ref: zoneDescription data: name: Description type: text_area options: "" tracker: $zones flags: [ ] - type: tracker_field ref: zoneImage data: name: Image type: files options: "$profileobject:imageContainer$,image/*,1,1" tracker: $zones flags: [ ]

Maps Tracker

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objects: - type: tracker ref: maps data: name: Maps allow: creator_modification - type: tracker_field ref: mapName data: name: Name type: text_field tracker: $maps flags: [ mandatory, list, title, link, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: mapBaseLocation data: name: Base Location type: map tracker: $maps flags: [ mandatory ] - type: tracker_field ref: mapOwner data: name: Owner type: user options: "1" tracker: $maps flags: [ mandatory, list ] permname: owner - type: tracker_field ref: mapShareCode data: name: Share Code type: text_field tracker: $maps flags: [ list ] options: "0,10,,,15 permname: shareCode

File Galleries

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objects: - type: file_gallery ref: iconContainer data: parent: 1 name: Icons description: Icons available for selection in the map. owner: admin archives: 5 flags: [ public, visible ] column: [ icon, name, created, creator, files ] - type: file_gallery ref: imageContainer data: parent: 1 name: Image Uploads description: Images uploaded by students owner: admin archives: -1 flags: [ public, visible ] column: [ icon, name, created, creator, files ]

Wiki Pages

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objects: - type: wiki_page ref: home_page data: name: HomePage content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_HomePage - type: wiki_page ref: instructions_page data: name: Instructions description: Profile Instructions lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_Instructions - type: wiki_page ref: account_validated_page data: name: Account_Validated description: Account Validated lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_NewAccountValidationIncludedPage

Application Frame Pages

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objects: - type: wiki_page ref: map_page data: name: Map content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_Map - type: wiki_page ref: mapcanvas_share_page data: name: MapCanvasShare content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_MapCanvasShare - type: wiki_page ref: mapcanvas_solo_page data: name: MapCanvasSolo content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_MapCanvasSolo - type: wiki_page ref: mapselector_page data: name: MapSelector content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_MapSelector - type: wiki_page ref: mapinfo_page data: name: MapInfo content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_MapInfo


Developer notes

  • When you apply the profile, you may see "Preference set: geo_tilesets=Array" in the response. This is a cosmetic error. The preference is set correctly.


Information Version
Sun 27 of May, 2012 16:44 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte todo 83
Sun 27 of May, 2012 16:42 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte demo page 82
Sun 27 of May, 2012 02:39 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte question 81
Sun 27 of May, 2012 02:27 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte People need to register to do anything. A demo login will be supplied 80
Sun 27 of May, 2012 02:24 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte ... 79
Sun 27 of May, 2012 02:07 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Questiond 78
Wed 23 of May, 2012 07:22 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte todos 77
Wed 23 of May, 2012 07:18 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte some todos 76
Wed 23 of May, 2012 07:15 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte code 75
Wed 23 of May, 2012 07:14 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte tip 74
Wed 23 of May, 2012 06:54 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte short video 73
Wed 23 of May, 2012 03:10 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 did not apply 72
Wed 23 of May, 2012 03:02 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 Hide anonymous-only modules from registered users 71
Wed 23 of May, 2012 02:17 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 to make the CC-license visible 70
Mon 21 of May, 2012 21:27 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte doc was incorrect. Will update docs next 69
Mon 21 of May, 2012 20:51 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte change category 68
Mon 21 of May, 2012 20:50 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte When viewing tracker items, we want to see a column for last modified 67
Mon 21 of May, 2012 20:46 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte This one as well 66
Mon 21 of May, 2012 20:45 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Visible (and editable) by admins only 65
Mon 21 of May, 2012 19:58 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Owner should be in list as well 64
Mon 21 of May, 2012 19:58 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Share code should be in list 63
Mon 21 of May, 2012 19:20 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Account_Validated 62
Mon 21 of May, 2012 19:06 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Account_Validated page 61
Mon 21 of May, 2012 19:01 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte url after validation 60
Mon 21 of May, 2012 18:31 GMT-0000 Louis-Philippe Huberdeau Zone name should not be mandatory 59