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History: Application_Form

Source of version: 8 (current)

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            Tiki 2.0 was already used to generate what is described below. Now, we just need a profile.

A multi-page questionnaire / application form

* Multi-page form
** Can use many field types (drop down, attach file, etc.)
* User can fill in part of the questions, and come back later for more.
* Have a flexible layout for adding tips & explanations
* Have some content & forms which depend on the value of a previous field.
* Show a preview at the end, with some warning about non-entered fields.
* When the application is sent, it can no longer be changed.

This can be done using:
* One huge user tracker
* Using tracker plugin to create forms in pages
* TRACKERITEMFIELD and TRACKER plugins, associated with the user.

Example of use of the tracker plugin in a page
{CODE(caption=>caption text,wrap=1)}
{TRACKER(trackerId=1, view=user, fields=43:28:29:30, action=SAVE and NEXT, showtitle=n, showdesc=n, showmandatory=y, embedded=n, url="next page", wiki=tracker Identification)}

See Marc & RTA project for questions.

!! Related
* ((User_Trackers))
* ((Paper_Submission_and_Reviewing_System))

A passport application form is a good example