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History: Best_Wiki_Tiki

Source of version: 10 (current)

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            This is an example of a best practices setup - wiki configuration. 
^__Caution: This Profile is intended for new installs only! It will change site identity things to explain better how to set them up.__^

__Status:__ "Alpha"

*session and login config
*Site identity
*wiki config
*and more

  feature_siteidentity:  y
  feature_wysiwyg:  y
  sitelogo_src:  img/tiki/tikilogo.png
  sitelogo_title:  Change me in Admin:General:Browser Title
  sitelogo_alt:  Change me in Admin:look and feel:site identity
  sitemycode:  <div align=\center\><b>{tr}My Development Test Site{/tr}</b></div>
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  limitedGoGroupHome:  y
  site_crumb_seper:  >
  site_nav_seper:  |
  contact_user:  admin
  maxRecords:  10
  sender_email:  robot-helper@mydomain.org
  siteTitle:  Change me in Admin:look and feel:site identity
  feature_blogs:  y
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  sitemycode_publish:  y
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  change_theme:  n
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  userTracker:  y
  groupTracker:  y
  allowRegister:  y
  useRegisterPasscode:  n
  registerPasscode:  123456
  min_username_length:  1
  max_username_length:  50
  min_pass_length:  1
  pass_due:  999
  email_due:  -1
  unsuccessful_logins:  20
  allowmsg_by_default:  y
  lowercase_username:  y
  feature_clear_passwords:  y
  forgotPass:  y
  feature_crypt_passwords:  tikihash
  rememberme:  always
  remembertime:  2629743
  cookie_name:  tiki-mysite
  modallgroups:  n
  modseparateanon:  y
  user_flip_modules:  module
  layout_section:  n
  wiki_watch_minor:  y
  feature_userVersions:  n
  feature_wiki_categorize_structure:  y
  feature_create_webhelp:  n
  wiki_cache:  0
  warn_on_edit_time:  30
  feature_wiki_tables:  new
  wiki_authors_style:  classic
  feature_wiki_mandatory_category:  -1
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  wikiapproval_prefix:  *
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  feature_wiki_allowhtml:  y
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  wikiHomePage:  HomePage
  tiki_needs_upgrade:  n
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