History: Bootstrap Row and Col Plugin Aliases
Source of version: 20 (current)
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{DIV(class="jumbotron lead")}This profile applies two Plugin Aliases to help with creating Bootstrap rows and cols layout in wiki syntax content. {DIV} So __instead of writing something complex and hard to read__ like this: {CODE(colors="tiki")} {DIV(class="row")} {DIV(class="col-sm-12")}Hello World!{DIV} {DIV(class="col")}Column 1{DIV} {DIV(class="col")}Column 2{DIV} {DIV} {DIV(class="row")}{DIV(class="col")}Last row{DIV}{DIV} {CODE} You will be able to use these Plugin Aliases instead to distinguish the rows and cols: {CODE(colors="tiki")} {ROW()} {COL(class="col-sm-12")}Hello World!{COL} {COL()}Column 1{COL} {COL()}Column 2{COL} {ROW} {ROW()}{COL()}Last row{COL}{ROW} {CODE} The following will be applied: ! YAML Code !! Row Plugin Alias {CODE(caption="YAML" colors="yaml" ln="1")} objects: - type: plugin_alias ref: row data: name: row implementation: div description: name: "Row" description: "Creates Row plugin alias" params: class: name: "Class" default: "row" description: "Class to be used (default is row)" required: false body: "Body" prefs: [ wikiplugin_div ] params: class: "row" body: input: use {CODE} !! Col Plugin Alias {CODE(caption="YAML" colors="yaml" ln="1")} objects: - type: plugin_alias ref: col data: name: col implementation: div description: name: "Col" description: "Plugin alias to produce Bootstrap column div" params: class: name: "Class" default: "col" description: "Optional class or more classes separated by space (default is col)" required: false body: "Body" prefs: [ wikiplugin_div ] params: class: "col" body: input: use {CODE} !! Preferences Preferences which need to be enabled: {CODE(caption="YAML" colors="yaml" ln="1")} preferences: wikiplugin_div: "y" wikiplugin_row: "y" wikiplugin_col: "y" {CODE}