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History: Category Handler

Source of version: 18 (current)

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            Categories are a powerful feature in Tiki since version 2.0. They are a key to performing complex permission management. This ((handler)) only allows you to define categories, create subcategories, and to assign objects to categories. To assign permissions to the categories ((Permission Management)) must be used, where you assign that some group has some permissions on a category (which are treated in the handler the same as any other object). 

__Applying categories to objects created in the same profile:__ You should use ((object references)) (and not profilerequests) to categorize objects that are created by the profile itself.

  type: category
  ref: profile_category
   name: Profiles
   description: Base category used to get complete listing
  type: category
  ref: app_category
   name: Applications
   parent: $profile_category
    - [ tracker, $SampleProfiles:bug_tracker_profile ]
    - [ wiki_page, TimeAccounting ]
  type: category
  ref: clone_category
   name: Clones
   parent: $profile_category
    - [ wiki_page, WikipediaClone ]
    - [ wiki_page, $OtherProfile:some_page ]

Alternatively, a categorize block can be used to categorize objects individually, for objects created by other profiles or data channels for example.

  type: categorize
   type: wiki_page
   object: HomePage
    - $profile_category

! Category Object
||__Field Name__|__Mandatory__|__Value__|Tiki version
name|yes|The category name|
parent| |Parent category ID. No value will create a top level category.|
description| |Category description|
items| |List of objects to be added to the category. Each entry must be a pair of ((object types|object type)) and object ID, or for wiki the pagename.|
migrateparent| |Parent category ID. If specified will move all of the current items of the category of the same name under migrateparent to the category being updated/created by this profile|9.x||