History: Example_Tracker_Months
Source of version: 2 (current)
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{CODE(caption=>YAML,wrap=>1)} permissions: { } preferences: { } objects: - type: tracker ref: months data: name: Months description: '' restrict_end: '0' form_classes: '' restrict_start: '0' - type: tracker_field ref: months_monthName data: name: Name permname: monthName tracker: '$profileobject:months$' options: samerow: 1 type: text_field order: '10' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - link - list - public - mandatory - type: tracker_field ref: months_monthDays data: name: Days permname: monthDays tracker: '$profileobject:months$' options: samerow: 1 dec_point: . thousands: ',' type: numeric order: '20' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - list - public - type: tracker_option ref: months_sort_default_field data: tracker: '$profileobject:months$' name: sort_default_field value: modification {CODE}