History: Intranet_Permissions
Source of version: 17 (current)
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{maketoc} !!About Permission profiles %aboutpermissionprofiles% !!About this profile Intranet permissions profile is a typical permission set for an Intranet setting. There are 4 groups: Anonymous Registered Editors Admins It's a closed site: *Anonymous users can't do anything. *Users can't register !!profile definition {CODE(caption=>YAML, wrap=1)} objects: - ref: Intranet_Permissions permissions: Anonymous: allow: [ ] deny: [ view ] Registered: description: Will be ignored because group is already created allow: - blog_post - create_blogs - read_blog - add_events - view_calendar - view_events - chat - read_article - submit_article - post_comments - read_comments - vote_comments - list_users - use_content_templates - autosubmit_link - view_directory - create_file_galleries - download_files - list_file_galleries - upload_files - view_fgal_explorer - view_fgal_path - view_file_gallery - forum_attach - forum_autoapp - forum_edit_own_posts - forum_post - forum_post_topic - forum_read - forums_report - forum_vote - freetags_tag - view_freetags - messages - subscribe_newsletters - vote_poll - take_quiz - edit_sheet - view_sheet - view_sheet_history - post_shoutbox - view_shoutbox - live_support - take_survey - search - site_report - subscribe_groups - tell_a_friend - attach_trackers - comment_tracker_items - tracker_view_comments - create_tracker_items - list_trackers - tracker_view_ratings - tracker_vote_ratings - view_trackers - view_trackers_closed - view_trackers_pending - watch_trackers - cache_bookmarks - create_bookmarks - notepad - tasks - tasks_receive - tasks_send - userfiles - usermenu - use_webmail - use_group_webmail - use_personal_webmail - edit - minor - upload_picture - wiki_view_history - wiki_view_source - plugin_viewdetail - plugin_preview - view_backlink - view deny: [ ] Editors: description: Trusted users watching the recent changes to avoid spam allow: - admin_banners - admin_banning - admin_calendar - admin_chat - admin_cms - admin_comments - admin_content_templates - admin_directory - admin_dynamic - admin_file_galleries - admin_forum - admin_freetags - admin_integrator - admin_newsletters - admin_notifications - admin_polls - admin_quicktags - admin_quizzes - admin_rssmodules - admin_shoutbox - admin_surveys - admin_users - admin_wiki - blog_admin - broadcast - broadcast_all - clean_cache - modify_tracker_items - edit_menu - edit_menu_option - live_support_admin - plugin_approve - tasks_admin - trust_input - use_HTML - view_referer_stats - view_stats - admin_sheet - detach_translation - edit_cookies - tiki_p_admin_group_webmail Admins: description: Have all rights allow: [ admin ] {CODE} !!Related ((Company_Intranet))