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History: Modern_Company_Intranet_26

Source of version: 5 (current)

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 allowRegister: 'y'
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! Welcome to our company's intranet website! 
Here, you can find all the information you need to stay up-to-date with the latest news, policies, and procedures related to your work. Whether you're looking for important company announcements, HR resources, or IT support, we've got you covered. 
Feel free to explore the various sections of the site and make use of the tools and resources we have available. We're committed to providing you with the information you need to succeed, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 
Thank you for being a part of our team!
{FLUIDGRID(devicesize="sm" colsize="6|6")}
 -=Company News and Updates=-
{BLOGLIST(Id=>1, Items=>5)}{BLOGLIST}
-=External Business News=-
Welcome to our Company Intranet!
Our intranet is your gateway to everything you need to know about our company. Here, you will find the latest news, announcements, and information about our products and services. You can also connect with colleagues from all over the organization and collaborate on projects, share knowledge and insights, and get the support you need to do your job.
We believe that a connected workplace is a productive workplace, which is why our intranet is designed to foster collaboration and engagement. Whether you are a new employee or a seasoned veteran, you can find everything you need to succeed here.
So, take a look around, explore our resources, and get involved in the conversations happening across the organization. We are glad to have you here!
Company has been in business since 1980
Our core products are:
*Product A
*Product B
*Product C
Our target markets are:
*Market A
*Market B
*Market C
On the left column you see the source text with markup, and on the right column, the output once saved.
--- ~hs~ ---
-=Title bar=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}-=A titlebar=-{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
-=A titlebar=-{SPLIT}
-=Headings from level 1 to n=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!h1 heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consequat libero. Phasellus porta diam id justo. In eget neque ut metus aliquet bibendum. Curabitur lacinia aliquam sem. Praesent aliquam. Morbi quis tellus. Vestibulum nec neque commodo metus sagittis ullamcorper. Maecenas turpis. Mauris quis leo. Maecenas id felis. Nulla nec nibh. Morbi facilisis. Cras in ipsum a felis ornare dapibus.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!h1 heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consequat libero. Phasellus porta diam id justo. In eget neque ut metus aliquet bibendum. Curabitur lacinia aliquam sem. Praesent aliquam. Morbi quis tellus. Vestibulum nec neque commodo metus sagittis ullamcorper. Maecenas turpis. Mauris quis leo. Maecenas id felis. Nulla nec nibh. Morbi facilisis. Cras in ipsum a felis ornare dapibus.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!h2 heading
Nullam mi. Praesent vehicula consectetuer tortor. Mauris venenatis leo at metus. Ut sit amet enim. Aenean tortor orci, hendrerit a, eleifend quis, pharetra eu, felis.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!h2 heading
Nullam mi. Praesent vehicula consectetuer tortor. Mauris venenatis leo at metus. Ut sit amet enim. Aenean tortor orci, hendrerit a, eleifend quis, pharetra eu, felis.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!!h3 heading
Vestibulum dignissim. Praesent non magna id ipsum iaculis pharetra. Nam tristique vestibulum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nisi. Nullam quis nisi.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!!h3 heading
Vestibulum dignissim. Praesent non magna id ipsum iaculis pharetra. Nam tristique vestibulum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nisi. Nullam quis nisi.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!!!h4 heading
Cras euismod lectus vel metus. Praesent gravida. Nunc molestie mattis justo. Curabitur ornare, felis et vulputate dapibus, leo est condimentum enim, blandit ultrices orci mauris at eros. Pellentesque eu arcu eu massa mattis rhoncus. Ut volutpat mi in ligula. Pellentesque vitae tellus quis nibh feugiat ornare. Nullam arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!!!h4 heading
Cras euismod lectus vel metus. Praesent gravida. Nunc molestie mattis justo. Curabitur ornare, felis et vulputate dapibus, leo est condimentum enim, blandit ultrices orci mauris at eros. Pellentesque eu arcu eu massa mattis rhoncus. Ut volutpat mi in ligula. Pellentesque vitae tellus quis nibh feugiat ornare. Nullam arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.{SPLIT}
-=Autonumbering in headings=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!# Introduction
Bla bla...
!!# Methodology
Bla bla...
!!!# Laboratory work
Bla bla...
!!!# Statistical analyses
Bla bla...
!!# Results
Bla bla...
!!# Discussion
Bla bla...
--- ~hs~ ---
!!# Introduction
Bla bla...
!!# Methodology
Bla bla...
!!!# Laboratory work
Bla bla...
!!!# Statistical analyses
Bla bla...
!!# Results
Bla bla...
!!# Discussion
Bla bla...{SPLIT}
-= Lists =-
::__Unordered list__::{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}*An __unordered__ list item
**A subitem
And some text
*Another item
. . . and more text . . .
*Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
*An __unordered__ list item
**A subitem
And some text
*Another item
. . . and more text . . .
*Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{SPLIT}
::__Ordered list__::{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}#An __ordered__ list item
##A subitem
+ And some text not breaking the numbering
#Another item
and more text (breaking the correlative numbering)
#Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
#An __ordered__ list item
##A subitem
+ And some text not breaking the numbering
#Another item
and more text (breaking the correlative numbering)
#Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{SPLIT}
-= Tables =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}A table:
||Row One, Column One|Row One, Column Two
Row Two, Column One|Row Two, Column Two||{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
A table:
||Row One, Column One|Row One, Column Two
Row Two, Column One|Row Two, Column Two||{SPLIT}
-= Boxes =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}^A box^{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
^A box^{SPLIT}
-= Links =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}An [http://tiki.org|external link|nocache]{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
An [http://tiki.org|external link|nocache]{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}An ((HomePage|internal link)) {CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
An ((HomePage|internal link)) {SPLIT}
-= PLUGINS: Img =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}{img src=http://profiles.tiki.org/img/tiki/tikilogo.png align=center }{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
{img src=http://profiles.tiki.org/img/tiki/tikilogo.png align=center }{SPLIT}
-= PLUGINS: Quote =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}Quote plugin:
Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?
--HAL, in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
--- ~hs~ ---
Quote plugin:
Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?
--HAL, in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
-= PLUGINS: Code =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}Code plugin:
{Hello World in Pascal}
program HelloWorld(output);
  WriteLn('Hello World!');
--- ~hs~ ---
Code plugin:
{Hello World in Pascal}
program HelloWorld(output);
  WriteLn('Hello World!');
-= PLUGINS: Fancytable =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}FANCYTABLE plugin:
{FANCYTABLE(head=>head one~|~head two~|~head three)}cell one~|~cell two~|~cell three
r2 c1~|~ r2 c2~|~ r3 c2{FANCYTABLE}{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
{FANCYTABLE(head=>head one~|~head two~|~head three)}cell one~|~cell two~|~cell three
r2 c1~|~ r2 c2~|~ r3 c2{FANCYTABLE}{SPLIT}
On the left column you see the source text with markup, and on the right column, the output once saved.
--- ~hs~ ---
-=Title bar=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}-=A titlebar=-{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
-=A titlebar=-{SPLIT}
-=Headings from level 1 to n=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!h1 heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consequat libero. Phasellus porta diam id justo. In eget neque ut metus aliquet bibendum. Curabitur lacinia aliquam sem. Praesent aliquam. Morbi quis tellus. Vestibulum nec neque commodo metus sagittis ullamcorper. Maecenas turpis. Mauris quis leo. Maecenas id felis. Nulla nec nibh. Morbi facilisis. Cras in ipsum a felis ornare dapibus.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!h1 heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consequat libero. Phasellus porta diam id justo. In eget neque ut metus aliquet bibendum. Curabitur lacinia aliquam sem. Praesent aliquam. Morbi quis tellus. Vestibulum nec neque commodo metus sagittis ullamcorper. Maecenas turpis. Mauris quis leo. Maecenas id felis. Nulla nec nibh. Morbi facilisis. Cras in ipsum a felis ornare dapibus.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!h2 heading
Nullam mi. Praesent vehicula consectetuer tortor. Mauris venenatis leo at metus. Ut sit amet enim. Aenean tortor orci, hendrerit a, eleifend quis, pharetra eu, felis.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!h2 heading
Nullam mi. Praesent vehicula consectetuer tortor. Mauris venenatis leo at metus. Ut sit amet enim. Aenean tortor orci, hendrerit a, eleifend quis, pharetra eu, felis.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!!h3 heading
Vestibulum dignissim. Praesent non magna id ipsum iaculis pharetra. Nam tristique vestibulum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nisi. Nullam quis nisi.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!!h3 heading
Vestibulum dignissim. Praesent non magna id ipsum iaculis pharetra. Nam tristique vestibulum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nisi. Nullam quis nisi.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!!!h4 heading
Cras euismod lectus vel metus. Praesent gravida. Nunc molestie mattis justo. Curabitur ornare, felis et vulputate dapibus, leo est condimentum enim, blandit ultrices orci mauris at eros. Pellentesque eu arcu eu massa mattis rhoncus. Ut volutpat mi in ligula. Pellentesque vitae tellus quis nibh feugiat ornare. Nullam arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!!!h4 heading
Cras euismod lectus vel metus. Praesent gravida. Nunc molestie mattis justo. Curabitur ornare, felis et vulputate dapibus, leo est condimentum enim, blandit ultrices orci mauris at eros. Pellentesque eu arcu eu massa mattis rhoncus. Ut volutpat mi in ligula. Pellentesque vitae tellus quis nibh feugiat ornare. Nullam arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.{SPLIT}
-=Autonumbering in headings=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!# Introduction
Bla bla...
!!# Methodology
Bla bla...
!!!# Laboratory work
Bla bla...
!!!# Statistical analyses
Bla bla...
!!# Results
Bla bla...
!!# Discussion
Bla bla...
--- ~hs~ ---
!!# Introduction
Bla bla...
!!# Methodology
Bla bla...
!!!# Laboratory work
Bla bla...
!!!# Statistical analyses
Bla bla...
!!# Results
Bla bla...
!!# Discussion
Bla bla...{SPLIT}
-= Lists =-
::__Unordered list__::{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}*An __unordered__ list item
**A subitem
And some text
*Another item
. . . and more text . . .
*Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
*An __unordered__ list item
**A subitem
And some text
*Another item
. . . and more text . . .
*Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{SPLIT}
::__Ordered list__::{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}#An __ordered__ list item
##A subitem
+ And some text not breaking the numbering
#Another item
and more text (breaking the correlative numbering)
#Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
#An __ordered__ list item
##A subitem
+ And some text not breaking the numbering
#Another item
and more text (breaking the correlative numbering)
#Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{SPLIT}
-= Tables =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}A table:
||Row One, Column One|Row One, Column Two
Row Two, Column One|Row Two, Column Two||{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
A table:
||Row One, Column One|Row One, Column Two
Row Two, Column One|Row Two, Column Two||{SPLIT}
-= Boxes =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}^A box^{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
^A box^{SPLIT}
-= Links =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}An [http://tiki.org|external link|nocache]{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
An [http://tiki.org|external link|nocache]{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}An ((HomePage|internal link)) {CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
An ((HomePage|internal link)) {SPLIT}
-= PLUGINS: Img =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}{img src=http://profiles.tiki.org/img/tiki/tikilogo.png align=center }{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
{img src=http://profiles.tiki.org/img/tiki/tikilogo.png align=center }{SPLIT}
-= PLUGINS: Quote =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}Quote plugin:
Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?
--HAL, in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
--- ~hs~ ---
Quote plugin:
Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?
--HAL, in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
-= PLUGINS: Code =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}Code plugin:
{Hello World in Pascal}
program HelloWorld(output);
  WriteLn('Hello World!');
--- ~hs~ ---
Code plugin:
{Hello World in Pascal}
program HelloWorld(output);
  WriteLn('Hello World!');
-= PLUGINS: Fancytable =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}FANCYTABLE plugin:
{FANCYTABLE(head=>head one~|~head two~|~head three)}cell one~|~cell two~|~cell three
r2 c1~|~ r2 c2~|~ r3 c2{FANCYTABLE}{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
{FANCYTABLE(head=>head one~|~head two~|~head three)}cell one~|~cell two~|~cell three
r2 c1~|~ r2 c2~|~ r3 c2{FANCYTABLE}{SPLIT}
On the left column you see the source text with markup, and on the right column, the output once saved.
--- ~hs~ ---
-=Title bar=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}-=A titlebar=-{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
-=A titlebar=-{SPLIT}
-=Headings from level 1 to n=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!h1 heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consequat libero. Phasellus porta diam id justo. In eget neque ut metus aliquet bibendum. Curabitur lacinia aliquam sem. Praesent aliquam. Morbi quis tellus. Vestibulum nec neque commodo metus sagittis ullamcorper. Maecenas turpis. Mauris quis leo. Maecenas id felis. Nulla nec nibh. Morbi facilisis. Cras in ipsum a felis ornare dapibus.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!h1 heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consequat libero. Phasellus porta diam id justo. In eget neque ut metus aliquet bibendum. Curabitur lacinia aliquam sem. Praesent aliquam. Morbi quis tellus. Vestibulum nec neque commodo metus sagittis ullamcorper. Maecenas turpis. Mauris quis leo. Maecenas id felis. Nulla nec nibh. Morbi facilisis. Cras in ipsum a felis ornare dapibus.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!h2 heading
Nullam mi. Praesent vehicula consectetuer tortor. Mauris venenatis leo at metus. Ut sit amet enim. Aenean tortor orci, hendrerit a, eleifend quis, pharetra eu, felis.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!h2 heading
Nullam mi. Praesent vehicula consectetuer tortor. Mauris venenatis leo at metus. Ut sit amet enim. Aenean tortor orci, hendrerit a, eleifend quis, pharetra eu, felis.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!!h3 heading
Vestibulum dignissim. Praesent non magna id ipsum iaculis pharetra. Nam tristique vestibulum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nisi. Nullam quis nisi.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!!h3 heading
Vestibulum dignissim. Praesent non magna id ipsum iaculis pharetra. Nam tristique vestibulum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nisi. Nullam quis nisi.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!!!h4 heading
Cras euismod lectus vel metus. Praesent gravida. Nunc molestie mattis justo. Curabitur ornare, felis et vulputate dapibus, leo est condimentum enim, blandit ultrices orci mauris at eros. Pellentesque eu arcu eu massa mattis rhoncus. Ut volutpat mi in ligula. Pellentesque vitae tellus quis nibh feugiat ornare. Nullam arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!!!h4 heading
Cras euismod lectus vel metus. Praesent gravida. Nunc molestie mattis justo. Curabitur ornare, felis et vulputate dapibus, leo est condimentum enim, blandit ultrices orci mauris at eros. Pellentesque eu arcu eu massa mattis rhoncus. Ut volutpat mi in ligula. Pellentesque vitae tellus quis nibh feugiat ornare. Nullam arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.{SPLIT}
-=Autonumbering in headings=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!# Introduction
Bla bla...
!!# Methodology
Bla bla...
!!!# Laboratory work
Bla bla...
!!!# Statistical analyses
Bla bla...
!!# Results
Bla bla...
!!# Discussion
Bla bla...
--- ~hs~ ---
!!# Introduction
Bla bla...
!!# Methodology
Bla bla...
!!!# Laboratory work
Bla bla...
!!!# Statistical analyses
Bla bla...
!!# Results
Bla bla...
!!# Discussion
Bla bla...{SPLIT}
-= Lists =-
::__Unordered list__::{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}*An __unordered__ list item
**A subitem
And some text
*Another item
. . . and more text . . .
*Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
*An __unordered__ list item
**A subitem
And some text
*Another item
. . . and more text . . .
*Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{SPLIT}
::__Ordered list__::{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}#An __ordered__ list item
##A subitem
+ And some text not breaking the numbering
#Another item
and more text (breaking the correlative numbering)
#Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
#An __ordered__ list item
##A subitem
+ And some text not breaking the numbering
#Another item
and more text (breaking the correlative numbering)
#Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{SPLIT}
-= Tables =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}A table:
||Row One, Column One|Row One, Column Two
Row Two, Column One|Row Two, Column Two||{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
A table:
||Row One, Column One|Row One, Column Two
Row Two, Column One|Row Two, Column Two||{SPLIT}
-= Boxes =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}^A box^{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
^A box^{SPLIT}
-= Links =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}An [http://tiki.org|external link|nocache]{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
An [http://tiki.org|external link|nocache]{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}An ((HomePage|internal link)) {CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
An ((HomePage|internal link)) {SPLIT}
-= PLUGINS: Img =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}{img src=http://profiles.tiki.org/img/tiki/tikilogo.png align=center }{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
{img src=http://profiles.tiki.org/img/tiki/tikilogo.png align=center }{SPLIT}
-= PLUGINS: Quote =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}Quote plugin:
Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?
--HAL, in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
--- ~hs~ ---
Quote plugin:
Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?
--HAL, in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
-= PLUGINS: Code =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}Code plugin:
{Hello World in Pascal}
program HelloWorld(output);
  WriteLn('Hello World!');
--- ~hs~ ---
Code plugin:
{Hello World in Pascal}
program HelloWorld(output);
  WriteLn('Hello World!');
-= PLUGINS: Fancytable =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}FANCYTABLE plugin:
{FANCYTABLE(head=>head one~|~head two~|~head three)}cell one~|~cell two~|~cell three
r2 c1~|~ r2 c2~|~ r3 c2{FANCYTABLE}{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
{FANCYTABLE(head=>head one~|~head two~|~head three)}cell one~|~cell two~|~cell three
r2 c1~|~ r2 c2~|~ r3 c2{FANCYTABLE}{SPLIT}
Policies and Procedures.wiki
{CODE(caption=>Policies and Procedures.wiki,wrap=>0)}
In Tiki, when you see a ?. This means that a link has been created but the page does not exist. This is a great way to establish what work or documents need to be create by your team.
Simply click on the ? in order to create the new page.
* ((New Employee Security Clearance))
* ((Project Budget Request))
! Policies
!For Support Please Contact
(555) 123-4567
Wiki Help.wiki
{CODE(caption=>Wiki Help.wiki,wrap=>0)}
On the left column you see the source text with markup, and on the right column, the output once saved.
--- ~hs~ ---
-=Title bar=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}-=A titlebar=-{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
-=A titlebar=-{SPLIT}
-=Headings from level 1 to n=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!h1 heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consequat libero. Phasellus porta diam id justo. In eget neque ut metus aliquet bibendum. Curabitur lacinia aliquam sem. Praesent aliquam. Morbi quis tellus. Vestibulum nec neque commodo metus sagittis ullamcorper. Maecenas turpis. Mauris quis leo. Maecenas id felis. Nulla nec nibh. Morbi facilisis. Cras in ipsum a felis ornare dapibus.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!h1 heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin consequat libero. Phasellus porta diam id justo. In eget neque ut metus aliquet bibendum. Curabitur lacinia aliquam sem. Praesent aliquam. Morbi quis tellus. Vestibulum nec neque commodo metus sagittis ullamcorper. Maecenas turpis. Mauris quis leo. Maecenas id felis. Nulla nec nibh. Morbi facilisis. Cras in ipsum a felis ornare dapibus.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!h2 heading
Nullam mi. Praesent vehicula consectetuer tortor. Mauris venenatis leo at metus. Ut sit amet enim. Aenean tortor orci, hendrerit a, eleifend quis, pharetra eu, felis.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!h2 heading
Nullam mi. Praesent vehicula consectetuer tortor. Mauris venenatis leo at metus. Ut sit amet enim. Aenean tortor orci, hendrerit a, eleifend quis, pharetra eu, felis.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!!h3 heading
Vestibulum dignissim. Praesent non magna id ipsum iaculis pharetra. Nam tristique vestibulum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nisi. Nullam quis nisi.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!!h3 heading
Vestibulum dignissim. Praesent non magna id ipsum iaculis pharetra. Nam tristique vestibulum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce eget nisi. Nullam quis nisi.{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!!!h4 heading
Cras euismod lectus vel metus. Praesent gravida. Nunc molestie mattis justo. Curabitur ornare, felis et vulputate dapibus, leo est condimentum enim, blandit ultrices orci mauris at eros. Pellentesque eu arcu eu massa mattis rhoncus. Ut volutpat mi in ligula. Pellentesque vitae tellus quis nibh feugiat ornare. Nullam arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
!!!!h4 heading
Cras euismod lectus vel metus. Praesent gravida. Nunc molestie mattis justo. Curabitur ornare, felis et vulputate dapibus, leo est condimentum enim, blandit ultrices orci mauris at eros. Pellentesque eu arcu eu massa mattis rhoncus. Ut volutpat mi in ligula. Pellentesque vitae tellus quis nibh feugiat ornare. Nullam arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.{SPLIT}
-=Autonumbering in headings=-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}!!# Introduction
Bla bla...
!!# Methodology
Bla bla...
!!!# Laboratory work
Bla bla...
!!!# Statistical analyses
Bla bla...
!!# Results
Bla bla...
!!# Discussion
Bla bla...
--- ~hs~ ---
!!# Introduction
Bla bla...
!!# Methodology
Bla bla...
!!!# Laboratory work
Bla bla...
!!!# Statistical analyses
Bla bla...
!!# Results
Bla bla...
!!# Discussion
Bla bla...{SPLIT}
-= Lists =-
::__Unordered list__::{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}*An __unordered__ list item
**A subitem
And some text
*Another item
. . . and more text . . .
*Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
*An __unordered__ list item
**A subitem
And some text
*Another item
. . . and more text . . .
*Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{SPLIT}
::__Ordered list__::{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}#An __ordered__ list item
##A subitem
+ And some text not breaking the numbering
#Another item
and more text (breaking the correlative numbering)
#Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
#An __ordered__ list item
##A subitem
+ And some text not breaking the numbering
#Another item
and more text (breaking the correlative numbering)
#Item 3
. . . and some more text, to illustrate the line spacing.{SPLIT}
-= Tables =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}A table:
||Row One, Column One|Row One, Column Two
Row Two, Column One|Row Two, Column Two||{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
A table:
||Row One, Column One|Row One, Column Two
Row Two, Column One|Row Two, Column Two||{SPLIT}
-= Boxes =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}^A box^{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
^A box^{SPLIT}
-= Links =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}An [http://tiki.org|external link|nocache]{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
An [http://tiki.org|external link|nocache]{SPLIT}
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}An ((HomePage|internal link)) {CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
An ((HomePage|internal link)) {SPLIT}
-= PLUGINS: Img =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}{img src=http://profiles.tiki.org/img/tiki/tikilogo.png align=center }{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
{img src=http://profiles.tiki.org/img/tiki/tikilogo.png align=center }{SPLIT}
-= PLUGINS: Quote =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}Quote plugin:
Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?
--HAL, in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
--- ~hs~ ---
Quote plugin:
Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?
--HAL, in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
-= PLUGINS: Code =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}Code plugin:
{Hello World in Pascal}
program HelloWorld(output);
  WriteLn('Hello World!');
--- ~hs~ ---
Code plugin:
{Hello World in Pascal}
program HelloWorld(output);
  WriteLn('Hello World!');
-= PLUGINS: Fancytable =-
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n,colsize=>48%|4%|48%)}{CODE(wrap=>1)}FANCYTABLE plugin:
{FANCYTABLE(head=>head one~|~head two~|~head three)}cell one~|~cell two~|~cell three
r2 c1~|~ r2 c2~|~ r3 c2{FANCYTABLE}{CODE}
--- ~hs~ ---
{FANCYTABLE(head=>head one~|~head two~|~head three)}cell one~|~cell two~|~cell three
r2 c1~|~ r2 c2~|~ r3 c2{FANCYTABLE}{SPLIT}
Instructions - Company_Intranet.wiki
{CODE(caption=>Instructions - Company_Intranet.wiki,wrap=>0)}
{REMARKSBOX(type="confirm" title="Congratulations" close="y")}Profile applied successfully!
__Welcome to your Company Intranet on Internet!__
! How to Manage this Profile
Now that you have successfully installed this profile, what's next. As you know, this profile was designed to give you a good foundation, it is now up to you to think of how you will grow your intranet and how your employee's will interact.
!! Wondering what to do next?
* Visit [http://tikiforsmarties.com/|Tiki for Smarties] - Great site with tons of documentation and fun videos
* Learn how to activate and manage
** [http://doc.tiki.org/Features+Admin|Features]
** [http://doc.tiki.org/Groups+Management|Groups]
** [http://doc.tiki.org/Permission|Permissions]
** [http://doc.tiki.org/Users+Management|Users]
* Go to the [tiki-admin.php|Admin Panel] and start tinkering with Tiki :)
! Profile Introduction
This profile is designed to help you quickly setup a Company Intranet to be used internally by your staff.
! Active Features
!! Wiki
The Wiki feature in this profile is used as a way to keep your company information up do date. It can also be used as a powerful collaboration tool. If this is something you want to do, please visit [http://doc.tiki.org/Wiki|Tiki Documentation]
!! Forum
The Forum has been setup as a support forum. If you need to create other forums with special permissions, please visit [http://doc.tiki.org/Forum|Tiki Documentation]
!! Calendar
The Calendar feature in Tiki is very flexible and can become a very powerful feature in your collaborative community project. To learn how to create new Calendars and setup various permissions and options please visit [http://doc.tiki.org/Calendar|Tiki Documentation]
!! File Galleries
In this profile, File Galleries are used in order to store Images that may be displayed in some of your Wiki Pages. The File Galleries feature has the power to accomplish much more since it is designed to be a full File Management feature. To learn more, please visit [http://doc.tiki.org/File+Gallery|Tiki Documentation]
!! Trackers (Company Directory)
Trackers are a powerful database & form building tool similar to Access. In this profile, we used Trackers to build a Company Directory tool. There are many things you can build using Trackers. To learn more, please visit [http://doc.tiki.org/Tracker|Tiki Documentation]
! Groups & Permissions
The groups and permissions for this profile have been setup to emulate a private Company Intranet where only employee's can view information and managers have the write to edit. .
Tiki is built to be very flexible for Groups and Permissions, if your intranet needs more fine grained permissions or private area's, you can easily create them with Tiki. Please visit [http://doc.tiki.org/Permissions|Tiki Documentation] to learn more.
!! Anonymous
Anonymous visitors do not have access to your site.
!! Registered
Registered members get full read permissions and can use the Support Forum.
!! Editors
Editors can create & modify content.
!! Admins
Admins are in charge of the maintenance of the site. They have access to create new Tracker, Calendars and Forums as well as manage users.
Company Directory.wiki
{CODE(caption=>Company Directory.wiki,wrap=>0)}
{tracker trackerId="1" url="tiki-index.php?page=company directory"}
{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>1, showlinks=>y)}
!!! John Doe
__President & CEO__
email: president@company.com
blog:  [tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=1|Company News and Updates]
Kanban Board.wiki
{CODE(caption=>Kanban Board.wiki,wrap=>0)}
{KANBAN(boardTrackerId="2" title="ktaskName"  description="ktaskDescription" column="ktaskStage" columnValues="todo,Todo:pending,Pending:done,Done"  order="ktaskPriority" swimlane="ktaskSwimlane")}{KANBAN}


permissions: {  }
preferences: {  }
    type: tracker
    ref: company_directory
      name: 'Company Directory'
      description: 'Company Directory'
        - creation_date
        - list_modification_date
        - modification_date
    type: tracker_field
    ref: company_directory_directory_first_name
      name: 'First Name'
      permname: directory_first_name
      tracker: '$profileobject:company_directory$'
        samerow: 1
      type: text_field
      order: '10'
      visby: {  }
      editby: {  }
        - link
        - list
        - searchable
        - public
        - mandatory
    type: tracker_field
    ref: company_directory_directory_last_name
      name: 'Last Name'
      permname: directory_last_name
      tracker: '$profileobject:company_directory$'
        samerow: 1
      type: text_field
      order: '20'
      visby: {  }
      editby: {  }
        - link
        - list
        - searchable
        - public
        - mandatory
    type: tracker_field
    ref: company_directory_directory_position
      name: Position
      permname: directory_position
      tracker: '$profileobject:company_directory$'
        samerow: 1
      type: text_field
      order: '30'
      visby: {  }
      editby: {  }
        - list
        - searchable
        - public
        - mandatory
    type: tracker_field
    ref: company_directory_directory_phone
      name: Phone
      permname: directory_phone
      tracker: '$profileobject:company_directory$'
        samerow: 1
      type: text_field
      order: '40'
      visby: {  }
      editby: {  }
        - list
        - searchable
        - public
        - mandatory
    type: tracker_field
    ref: company_directory_directory_email
      name: E-Mail
      permname: directory_email
      tracker: '$profileobject:company_directory$'
      options: {  }
      type: email
      order: '50'
      visby: {  }
      editby: {  }
        - list
        - searchable
        - public
        - mandatory
    type: tracker
    ref: kanban_tracker
      name: kanban_tracker
      description: ''
      restrict_end: '0'
      form_classes: ''
      restrict_start: '0'
    type: tracker_field
    ref: kanban_tracker_ktaskName
      name: Name
      permname: ktaskName
      tracker: '$profileobject:kanban_tracker$'
        samerow: 1
        autocomplete: 'n'
        exact: 'n'
      type: text_field
      order: '10'
      visby: {  }
      editby: {  }
        - link
        - list
        - public
        - mandatory
    type: tracker_field
    ref: kanban_tracker_ktaskDescription
      name: Description
      permname: ktaskDescription
      tracker: '$profileobject:kanban_tracker$'
        samerow: 1
        autocomplete: 'n'
        exact: 'n'
      type: text_field
      order: '20'
      visby: {  }
      editby: {  }
        - public
    type: tracker_field
    ref: kanban_tracker_ktaskStage
      name: Stage
      permname: ktaskStage
      tracker: '$profileobject:kanban_tracker$'
          - todo=Todo
          - pending=Pending
          - done=Done
      type: dropdown
      order: '30'
      visby: {  }
      editby: {  }
        - list
        - public
    type: tracker_field
    ref: kanban_tracker_ktaskPriority
      name: Priority
      permname: ktaskPriority
      tracker: '$profileobject:kanban_tracker$'
        samerow: 1
        dec_point: .
        thousands: ','
      type: numeric
      order: '40'
      visby: {  }
      editby: {  }
        - list
        - public
    type: tracker_field
    ref: kanban_tracker_ktaskSwimlane
      name: Swimlane
      permname: ktaskSwimlane
      tracker: '$profileobject:kanban_tracker$'
          - task=Task
      type: dropdown
      order: '50'
      visby: {  }
      editby: {  }
        - list
        - public
    type: tracker_option
    ref: kanban_tracker_sort_default_field
      tracker: '$profileobject:kanban_tracker$'
      name: sort_default_field
      value: modification