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History: Open_Collaboration_Permissions

Source of version: 13 (current)

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            ^__WORKS?__ This profile is being tested on version 3.0 (trunk)^

If you want to have an open site with minimal restrictions, this would be it. Note that if you start getting comment spam you should start reducing allow_comments permissions etc. from anonymous users. 

||__Anonymous can:__ 
View Articles, Forums, Blog posts, HTMLpages, Make Comments, view wiki pages except categorized. Can also take Polls and vote on some stuff. 
__Registered can:__
Edit Wiki, Take Tests and Quizzes 
__Editors can:__
Create and Manage all kinds of stuff.
__Admins can:__
Do it all, of course.||

!!Test Section

  ref: Open_Collaboration_Permissions
   - read_blog
   - view_calendar
   - view_events
   - articles_read_heading
   - read_article
   - topic_read
   - view_faqs
   - download_files
   - list_file_galleries
   - view_fgal_explorer
   - view_fgal_path
   - view_file_gallery
   - forum_post
   - forum_post_topic
   - forum_read
   - forum_vote
   - view_freetags
   - play_games
   - view_html_pages
   - list_image_galleries
   - view_image_gallery
   - map_view
   - take_survey
   - search
   - tell_a_friend
   - attach_trackers
   - comment_tracker_items
   - create_tracker_items
   - tracker_vote_ratings
   - view_trackers
   - minical
   - newsreader
   - notepad
   - tasks_receive
   - upload_picture
   - view
   - wiki_attach_files
   - wiki_view_attachments
   - wiki_view_comments
   - wiki_view_history
   - wiki_view_ratings
   - wiki_vote_ratings