History: Profile Webservice Instructions
Source of version: 5 (current)
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! This profile helps you set up a web service consumed by Tiki through a movie database tracker: whenever you add a new item (movie record), you will be able to add extra information from that movie fetched by a web service from the omdb database. !!# Tiki Features These Tiki features are enabled: * Wiki pages, Tracker items and web services. !!# Further configuration steps !!! Get one API Key for omdbb Register here: http://www.omdbapi.com And get one API Key for omdbb. !!! Add Web service You need to setup your webservices here: * System menu > Settings > __Webservices__ ([tiki-admin_webservices.php]) Add this information: * u~~black:r~~l: -+~np~http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=XXXXXXXX&i=%id%~/np~+- (replacae XXXXXXXX with your own omdb apikey) * Type: __REST__ * Body of POST request: + ''(leave this previous box empty)'' And click at ~~white,blue:| Lookup |~~ button. Then test the parameters defined. You can test with: * id: -+tt0042650+- * Bypass cache (X) (leave it checked) And click at ~~white,blue:| Test Input |~~ button This will produce some results a the "__Response Information__" box, in json format. And they should contain a section with 1 [[record] Then you can register this web service by means of: # providing this short alphanumeric name for it: -+omdbapiid+- (since it's the predefined web service name expected by wiki pages created by this tiki profile), and # click at the ~~white,blue:| Register Service |~~ button Once the web service is registered, then you can register a webservice __template__, providing this information in the form at the bottom of that page: * Name: -+omdbapiid+- (template name needs to be short and only with alphanumeric characters) * Engine: __Smarty__ * Output: __HTML__ * (Text area field): + {CODE(ln="1" colors="json")} <pre style="display:none">{$response|var_dump}</pre> Title: {$response.Title}<br> Year: {$response.Year}<br> {CODE} And click at ~~white,blue:| Register Template |~~ button. Last, you will need to rebuild the unified search index again: * [tiki-ajax_services.php?controller=search&action=rebuild|__Rebuild unified search index__] !!# How to use it.... Add a new tracker item in the [tracker1|Films database], and provide the omdb id for the new film you want to fetch information for. For instance: * tt0493459 * tt0042650 * tt0055905 The tracker item created in Tiki will have the extra information provided by the api service. See further details on the parameters used in the documentation: * https://doc.tiki.org/PluginWebService Last, but not least, remember that you can extend this profile!: * https://profiles.tiki.org/Webservice