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History: Profile_Ideas

Source of version: 15 (current)

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!!Full profile ideas
# ((Event_Management_System)) participants, speakers, schedules
# ((Software_Project)) Bug tracker, documentation, etc.
# ((Learning_Center)) 1 teacher and many students.
# ((Collaborative_content)) Multilingual documentation, glossary, etc.
# ((Ultimate_Knowledge_Management_Tool)) tags, mind mapping, semantic wiki links, etc.

!!Mini profile ideas
((Enabling search))
((Allowing Discussion on your Wiki pages))
((Allowing registered users to set preferences))
((Allowing a user to save changes as minor in order to avoid notifying others of change))
((Allowing safe anonymous edits on your Wiki pages))
((Adding a Preferences Item to the Side Menu))
((Creating a newsletter))

!!Situational Applications

More ideas:
*((info:use cases))
* [http://www.startupspot.com/briankeairns/2006/06/top_10_applicat.html|Top 10 Applications for an Enterprise Wiki]
*[http://community.joomla.org/magazine/article/522-introductory-learning-joomla-using-sample-data.html|Sample Data like Joomla!]