History: Profile_r_test10_clickme
Source of version: 5 (current)
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Testing the clickme package: https://github.com/nachocab/clickme ^__Try zooming in and out in the figures below, click the Show names button, hover over points, filter by point names in the search box__^ {maketoc} !! Installation {RR(echo="1")} r <- getOption("repos") r["CRAN"] <- "http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/" options(repos=r) if(!require(devtools)){ install.packages("devtools", repos="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/") } require("devtools") if(!require(clickme)){ install_github("clickme", "nachocab") } {RR} !! 1st example: rnorm(100) {RR(echo="1", cacheby="pagename")} require(clickme) options(clickme_output_path = getwd() ) clickme("points", rnorm(100), title = "Testing Clickme with rnorm(100)", height = 300, width = 300, file_name = "clickme1.html")$iframe(width = 800, relative_path = "./temp/cache/{{domainslash_if_multitiki}}R_{{page}}") # try zooming in and out, click the Show names button, hover over points {RR} !! 2nd example: letters {RR(echo="1", cacheby="pagename")} require(clickme) options(clickme_output_path = getwd() ) # fancy n <- 500 clickme("points", x = rbeta(n, 1, 10), y = rbeta(n, 1, 10), names = sample(letters, n, r = T), color_groups = sample(LETTERS[1:3], n, r = T), title = "Testing Clickme with letters", height = 300, width = 300, file_name = "clickme2.html")$iframe(width = 800, relative_path = "./temp/cache/{{domainslash_if_multitiki}}R_{{page}}") {RR} !! 3rd example: Microarray experiment {RR(echo="1", cacheby="pagename")} require(clickme) options(clickme_output_path = getwd() ) data(microarray) clickme("points", x = microarray$significance, y = microarray$logFC, color_groups = ifelse(microarray$adj.P.Val < 1e-4, "Significant", "Noise"), names = microarray$gene_name, xlab = "Significance (-log10)", ylab = "Fold-change (log2)", extra = list(Probe = microarray$probe_name), title = "Results from a Microarray experiment", height = 300, width = 300, file_name = "clickme3.html")$iframe(width = 800, relative_path = "./temp/cache/{{domainslash_if_multitiki}}R_{{page}}") {RR}