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History: R_HeatMaps

Preview of version: 7

Profile R_HeatMaps

This is a configuration profile to add a web interface for an R package called EasyHeatMap (provided here as attachment also, while it's publicly unavailable elsewhere).

This R package allows the creation and edition of HeatMap graphics (as used in Bioinformatics) through a simple web interface.

  • A Tiki site on a server :-). See Requirements and Installation if needed.
  • PluginR,
    downloadable as a Mod from http://mods.tiki.org
    or installable as a mod from the tiki mods interface: tiki-mods.php
  • Understand how to apply a profile into your own Tiki site :-)
    See the page Welcome to Tiki Profiles
  • R project installed in the same server as Tiki
    • a few R packages which are dependencies or the EasyHeatMap package.
      See below

  • Play with profile r_test first
    Eventually, you might like to try first with profile r_test, since it might serve you as an entry point for the usage of R scripts through Tiki.

Required R packages
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################################################################## ### Chunk 1: Installation of easyHeatMap package and dependencies ################################################################## ##### NOTE: # * You need a few packages: install the ones you are missing in the central server location for R packages. # * In this example we install them with this params: lib="/usr/lib/R/site-library", repos="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/" # but adapt the server paths or urls to your specific case # * Remember you can install packages: # * from the terminal with some command like: # R CMD INSTALL /home/foo/myPackage.tar.gz --library="/usr/lib/R/site-library" # * or from an R session with something like: # install.packages(pkgs="/home/foo/myPackage.tar.gz", lib="/usr/lib/R/site-library", repos="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/") ##### Install the following required dependencies if needed in the central server location ##### so that they can be reached by the webserver user (www-data, etc) install.packages("gplots", repos="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/") install.packages("gtools", repos="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/") install.packages("gdata", repos="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/") install.packages("caTools", repos="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/") ##### Install the package "easyHeatMap" ### for the time being you can fetch it from: ### https://ueb.ir.vhebron.net/files/easyHeatMap_1.18.tar.gz ### or ### http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24830595/easyHeatMap_1.18.tar.gz install.packages(pkgs="/home/user/easyHeatMap_1.18.tar.gz")

These pages will be created:
(listed properly only when shown here: http://profiles.tiki.org/R_HeatMaps , not when you are at profile installation in your remote tiki site)

1.1. Preferences

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preferences: instructions: Welcome to Easy Web HeatMaps using R and Tiki browsertitle: My Easy Web HeatMaps with Tiki and R display_timezone: UTC error_reporting_adminonly: n error_reporting_level: 2047 feature_edit_templates: y feature_jquery_jqs5: y feature_jquery_reflection: y feature_jquery_tablesorter: y feature_left_column: user feature_right_column: user feature_search_fulltext: y feature_sefurl: y feature_show_stay_in_ssl_mode: n feature_slideshow: y feature_syntax_highlighter: y feature_trackers: y feature_user_watches: y feature_wiki_argvariable: y feature_wiki_ext_icon: n feature_wiki_templates: y fgal_root_user_id: 2 fgal_root_wiki_attachments_id: 3 gal_use_lib: gd https_login: disabled https_port: sitemycode: | {if $tiki_p_admin == "y"} {tr}Quick Admin{/tr}: {icon _id=database_refresh title="{tr}Clear all Tiki caches{/tr}" href="tiki-admin_system.php?do=all"} {icon _id=wrench title="{tr}Modify the look & feel (logo, theme, etc.){/tr}" href="tiki-admin.php?page=look&cookietab=2"} {if $prefs.lang_use_db eq "y"}{icon _id=world_edit title="{tr}Show interactive translation settings{/tr}" href="tiki-edit_languages.php?interactive_translation_mode=on"}{/if} {/if} sitesubtitle: Current Stable Branch sitetitle: Tiki 7.x slide_style: clear.css wikiHomePage: HeatMaps wiki_dynvar_style: double wiki_edit_icons_toggle: y wiki_uses_slides: y wikiplugin_iframe: y wikiplugin_listpages: y wikiplugin_perspective: n wikiplugin_pluginmanager: y wikiplugin_r: y wikiplugin_rr: y wikiplugin_slideshow: y wikiplugin_titlesearch: y wikiplugininline_code: y wikiplugininline_div: y wikiplugininline_fade: y wikiplugininline_fancylist: y wikiplugininline_fancytable: y wikiplugininline_iframe: y wikiplugininline_img: y wikiplugininline_listpages: y wikiplugininline_perspective: n wikiplugininline_pluginmanager: y wikiplugininline_r: y wikiplugininline_remarksbox: y wikiplugininline_rr: y wikiplugininline_slideshow: y wikiplugininline_split: y wikiplugininline_titlesearch: y

1.2. Groups and Permissions

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permissions: Anonymous: allow: view deny: [ ] Registered: description: Will be ignored because group is already created allow: - create_tracker_items - list_trackers - view_trackers - watch_trackers deny: [ ] objects: - type: wiki_page id: r_heatmap_template allow: use_as_template Editors: description: Trusted users allow: - modify_tracker_items - trust_input - view_templates - edit_templates - use_content_templates - edit_content_templates - admin_content_templates - use_as_template Admins: description: Have all rights allow: - admin - trust_input

1.3. Trackers

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objects: - type: tracker ref: tracker_2 data: name: HeatMap Generation description: Tracker to manage the data for the generation and edition of HeatMaps sort_default_field: modification allow: [attachments, creator_modification] show: [list_modification_date, modification_date, creation_date] - type: tracker_field ref: field_7 data: name: Name tracker: $tracker_2 type: text_field order: 10 description: Some name to identify (and potentially recall in a later stage) this Heatmap from others in this site flags: [link, searchable, public, mandatory] - type: tracker_field ref: field_8 data: name: Description tracker: $tracker_2 type: text_area order: 20 flags: [public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_9 data: name: Added by tracker: $tracker_2 options: 1 type: user order: 30 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_10 data: name: Expressions file name tracker: $tracker_2 options: ntsu type: attachment order: 40 flags: [link, searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_11 data: name: Expressions file type tracker: $tracker_2 options: txt,txt,csv,csv2 type: dropdown order: 50 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_12 data: name: Name for this plot tracker: $tracker_2 options: My Plot,My Plot type: dropdown_other order: 60 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_13 data: name: Title to show in plot tracker: $tracker_2 options: Heatmap,Heatmap type: dropdown_other order: 70 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_14 data: name: Distance function to group rows tracker: $tracker_2 options: cor,cor,euclidean,manhattan,maximum,canberra,binary,minkowski type: dropdown order: 80 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_15 data: name: Distance function to group columns tracker: $tracker_2 options: euclidean,euclidean,manhattan,maximum,canberra,binary,minkowski,cor type: dropdown order: 90 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_16 data: name: Group rows and plot dendrogram? tracker: $tracker_2 options: TRUE,TRUE,FALSE type: radio order: 100 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_17 data: name: Group columns and plot dendrogram? tracker: $tracker_2 options: TRUE,TRUE,FALSE type: radio order: 110 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_18 data: name: Scale data by tracker: $tracker_2 options: row,row,column,none type: dropdown order: 120 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_19 data: name: Color palette to use tracker: $tracker_2 options: redblue(64),redblue(64),heat.colors(64),topo.colors(64),rainbow(36) type: dropdown order: 120 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_20 data: name: File with color names for columns tracker: $tracker_2 options: ntsu type: attachment order: 130 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_21 data: name: Type of information about density tracker: $tracker_2 options: density,density,histogram,none type: dropdown order: 140 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_22 data: name: Expansion coeficient for fonts in columns tracker: $tracker_2 options: 0.7,0.8,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3 type: dropdown_other order: 150 flags: [searchable, public] - type: tracker_field ref: field_23 data: name: Expansion coeficient for fonts in rows tracker: $tracker_2 options: 0.7,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3 type: dropdown_other order: 160 flags: [searchable, public]

1.4. Wiki Pages

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preferences: enable: [ feature_wiki ] objects: - type: wiki_page ref: r_heatmaps_instructions_page data: name: Welcome to Easy Web HeatMaps using R and Tiki description: Basic intructions of PluginR and this profile lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Profile_r_heatmaps_instructions - type: wiki_page ref: r_heatmaps_page data: name: r_heatmaps description: Interface to list and create heatmaps lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Profile_r_heatmaps - type: wiki_page ref: r_heatmaps_edit_page data: name: r_heatmaps_edit description: Interface to show the results from the analysis and eventually allows editing and resubmitting again as much as needed. lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Profile_r_heatmaps_edit - type: wiki_page ref: r_heatmaps_template_page data: name: r_heatmaps_template description: Template for smarty content on a wiki page which will not be parsed as wiki syntax lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Profile_r_heatmaps_template

1.5. Useful navigational aid

1.5.1. Wiki Page for the Menu

This will add the page Profile_r_heatmaps_menupage as the menu content

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objects: - type: wiki_page ref: r_heatmaps_menupage_include data: name: Menu for Easy Web HeatMaps with Tiki and R description: Menu for Easy Web HeatMaps with Tiki and R in a collaborative way lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Profile_r_heatmaps_menupage

1.5.2. Module wiki side menu

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objects: - type: module ref: module_menupage data: name: menupage position: right groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] order: 1 params: pagemenu: Menu for Easy Web HeatMaps with Tiki and R


HeatMaps | Heat Maps | r HeatMaps | r Heat Maps | HeatMap | Heat Map | r HeatMap | r Heat Map | r_HeatMap | r_Heat_Map


Information Version
Fri 14 of Oct, 2016 09:17 GMT-0000 Xavi (as xavidp - admin) Mass search and replace 28
Tue 11 of Jun, 2013 07:56 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro removed sef 27
Mon 03 of Jun, 2013 11:02 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro updated with new fields 26
Tue 10 of Jul, 2012 14:50 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added check for preinstalled package 25
Sun 13 of Nov, 2011 20:25 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added multilingual feature and save in db, to allow easy translation of missing strings by admins reviewing this profile from non-english-speaking countries 24
Sun 13 of Nov, 2011 17:16 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fixed syntax for tracker fields in 8x 23
Sun 13 of Nov, 2011 15:59 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added a few pref 22
Thu 10 of Nov, 2011 12:26 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added a few screenshots 21
Sat 27 of Aug, 2011 11:26 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro updated title and subtitle 20
Sat 27 of Aug, 2011 11:25 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro absolute links 19
Sat 27 of Aug, 2011 11:19 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro changed title and subtitle 18
Sat 27 of Aug, 2011 11:18 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro moved instructions param to first level (removed one space) 17
Sat 27 of Aug, 2011 11:07 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro re-categorized 16
Mon 22 of Aug, 2011 12:56 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro update perms 15
Mon 22 of Aug, 2011 12:45 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro moved local perms to the right place? 14
Mon 22 of Aug, 2011 11:26 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added missing and required perm for anons to view the tracker in order to allow them (R) to download item attachments 13
Mon 22 of Aug, 2011 11:10 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added local perm for tracker2 so that anons (R) can download item attachments 12
Mon 22 of Aug, 2011 11:02 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added test page 11
Mon 22 of Aug, 2011 07:43 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added link and correected info on link to package 10
Sat 20 of Aug, 2011 23:21 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro renamed template 9
Sat 20 of Aug, 2011 23:18 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro improved names of wiki pages 8
Sat 20 of Aug, 2011 23:15 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro more info on dependencies of R packages 7
Fri 19 of Aug, 2011 16:29 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro more 6
Fri 19 of Aug, 2011 16:10 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro info on how to use profiles 5
Fri 19 of Aug, 2011 16:03 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro foo 4
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