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{button href="./tiki-slideshow.php?page=Tiki+Wiki+CMS+Groupware#s0" _text="Start Slideshow"} {SLIDESHOW(slideduration="25")} Intro ///// Introduce yourself and what You'll talk about ///// Also state why collaboration is important ///// Mention some interesting things about Wikipedia and how it has changed the world. ///// I learned how to fix my car, eat better, make more money, present this information to you ///// Start positive then end negative ;) ///// Mention that with email in a busines use case you generally have to install, mentain licenses, and that that requires money, where Wiki = very low cost all around ///// A nice team working together ///// Enter, Tiki ///// And new features are added daily ///// Wiki = always up to date {SLIDESHOW} -=Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware=- ||A tightly-integrated, full-featured, open source, multilingual Web Content Management System|by Marc Laporte, Project Admin |__Confoo2010__, Canada|| !!What I'll talk about * Mass collaboration and the Wiki Way * Tiki Wiki+CMS+Groupware * The Tiki Model * 2 audiences ** When/why you should pick Tiki for your next project ** How you should look into the Wiki Way and the Tiki model to make your own project more collaborative !!Mass collaboration What are the most important volunteer mass collaboration projects in the history of humankind? !!Wikipedia {img src="https://tiki.org/display216"} !!Wikis: what for? *Wikipedia *Documentation *Collaboration > flexible, simple freeform project management *Corporate Intranet or extranet *Great for unstructured content, can be structured with categories and tags *Effective document workflow !!Why a wiki? Give someone a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach someone to fish and you feed them for a lifetime. Add that knowledge to a wiki And countless people will be able to learn on their own And share their knowledge And many will feed their families {img src="https://tiki.org/display224"} !!Because email doesn't scale {img src="https://tiki.org/display225"} !!What happens when... *...you apply the Wiki Way to software development for over 10 years with over 250 code contributors? *...dogfooding is a core value? *...everyone collaborates on an integrated code base? !!Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware *Tightly Integrated Knowledge Infrastructure *Combination CMS + Wiki + Groupware *Free source software (LGPL) *1 000 000+ downloads so far *Translated into 40+ languages *1000+ pages of documentation *Runs on standard PHP/MySQL making web hosting easy and inexpensive *Over a million lines of code (including 3rd party libraries) *A new code commit every two hours *"This is one of the largest open-source teams in the world, and is in the top 2% of all project teams on Ohloh." source: http://www.ohloh.net/p/tikiwiki/factoids/ *But mostly... !!Hundreds of built-in features ^Action log Alert Articles & Submissions Backlinks Backup Banner Blog Bookmark Browser Compatibility Cache Calendar Category Charts Chat Comment Communication Center Compression (gzip) Contact Address book Contact us Content template Contribution Cookie Copyright Custom Home (and Group Home Page) Date and Time Debugger Console Directory (of hyperlinks) Documentation (Help System) DogFood Drawing Dynamic Content Dynamic Variable External Authentication FAQ Featured links File Gallery Forum Friendship Network (Community) Game Gmap Google maps Group Help System Hotword HTML Page i18n (Multilingual, l10n, Babelfish) Image Gallery Install Integrator Interaction Inter-User Messages InterTiki JS Calendar Karma Live Support Login Lost edit protection Mail-in Map with Mapserver Menu Meta Tag Mini-Calendar Mobile Tiki and Voice Tiki Mods Module Mootools Multimedia MultiTiki MyTiki Newsletter Newsreader Notepad OS independence (Non-Linux, Windows/IIS, Mac, BSD) PDF Performance Speed / Load Permission Poll Profile Manager Quicktags Quiz Rating Registration RSS Score Search Engine Friendly Search Security Semantic links Shadowbox Shoutbox Site Identity Slideshow Smarty Template Smiley Spam protection (Anti-bot CATPCHA) Spellcheck Spreadsheet Stats Survey System log Tags Task Tell a Friend + Social Bookmarking TikiTests Theme Trackers TRIM User Administration User Files User Menu Watch WebHelp Webmail Wiki 3D Wiki History, page rename, etc Wiki plugins extends basic syntax Wiki syntax text area, parser, etc Wiki structure (book and table of content) Workflow (Galaxia Workflow engine) WYSIWYCA WYSIWYG XMLRPC^ * Over 1000 settings/options in the admin panel! * As far as we know, the Open Source Web application with the most built-in features. Other popular apps have a different model: small core + loads of functionality in 3rd party add-ons. !!But... *No hunting around to find the best 3rd party module *No needing to re-install 3rd party modules at every upgrade, hoping they all still work! *Because, in Tiki, everything is built-in and developers collaborate on and extend features, instead of just cooperating around a core (when they are not just outright competing...). And upgrades are easy! *Do you have two wiki pages for the same thing? No. Why would it be so for features? *More later about the model, let's describe some features! !!Permissions & groups * Users can be in any number of groups * Groups can be included in groups * Registration system * Over 200 permissions, which can be: * System-wide (global) * by item (object) * by category (workspaces) {img src="https://tiki.org/display227"} !!Wiki engine *Powerful wiki syntax *Powerful version history and diff engine *Book and table of content *Email notification of changes *Advanced plugins *Advanced translation synchronization {img src="https://tiki.org/display220"} !!Tracker & form generator & reports *Create custom application *Bug tracker, application forms, contact forms, etc. *Can create reports in wiki pages *Multilingual *Can link to other trackers *20+ field types: text field, text area, checkbox, numeric field, drop down, radio buttons, user selector, date and time, image, category, email, auto-increment, Google Maps, computed field, attachment, etc. {img src="https://tiki.org/display219"} {img src="https://tiki.org/display217"} !!Calendar *Several calendars *iCal *Recurring events *RSS feeds *Distinct permissions {img src="https://tiki.org/display222"} !!Blog & news articles *Several blogs *Topics *Tags & categories *RSS feeds *Permissions *Can use wiki syntax {img src="https://tiki.org/display223"} !!Discussion forums *Threaded or flat forums *Mailing list integration *Can use wiki syntax *File Attachment *Email notification of replies {img src="https://tiki.org/display218"} !!File & image galleries *Hierarchical galleries *Check-in/Check-out/lock *Categories for files *Permissions *Watch (notification of change by email) {img src="https://tiki.org/display221"} !!Multilingual *Translated to 35+ languages *Wiki has awesome i18n change tracking *Wiki-translation.com {img src="https://tiki.org/display226"} !!Profiles.Tiki.org *Value of a free source project **Beyond code: the community and the experience **Combining the different features, producing new benefits never imagined by the authors **How to share this knowledge? *Profiles to configure your Tiki **On wiki pages (collaborative, version history, etc.) **Can be used not just at install, but at any time and can be combined **Not just for settings, but also for data **Since there is no extra code, can be designed for very specific, long tail uses *We can have hundreds of profiles for an out-of-the-box experience, with a single code-base! !!Tiki Use Cases *Online community / association / club / special interest group / NGO (A) *International, multilingual project (A) *Advanced portal / news site (A) *Corporate web site (A) *Groupware Wiki / Corporate Wiki / Corporate Intranet / Team project (A) *Public Wiki (A) *Group knowledge base / Knowledge Management (KM) / institutional memory (A) *Product or software documentation and support (A) *Customer extranet (A) *Multilingual wiki (A) *A is better, Ratings factoring in the necessary effort to configure. !!Tiki Use Cases (part 2) *Shopping Cart & payments *WebDAV support *Spreadsheet upgraded to jQuery *jQueryS5 Slideshow *Searchable admin panels (!) *Token Access *MySQL replication *Advanced Rating & Metrics Dashboard *Performance enhancements (front & back-end) *Release date: April 2010 http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki5 !!Tiki Use Cases (part 3) *Event Management, Conference Management & planning (C) *Blog (one author) (C) *Document Management System (DMS) (C) *SourceForge / Gforge type site (C) *E-commerce / Shopping cart (C) *E-democracy (C) *E-learning / Learning Management System (LMS) / classroom / course management system (CMS) (D) *Customer / Contact / Constituent relationship management (CRM) (D) *Bibliography (D) *Traditional Project Management (PM) with Gantt charts, etc (D) *Social networking / Job board / Dating site / hospitality exchange / Car Pooling (D) *Enterprise resource planning (ERP) / Accounting (D) *E is worst, Ratings factoring in the necessary effort to configure. !!Major enhancements in 3 *Webservices *Semantic wiki links and mind mapping *Tiki Remote Instance Manager (TRIM) (for wikifarms) *Revamp of install and upgrade scripts *Profiles for easy configuration *JQuery added as experimental *Zend Framework *Has been picked as Long Term Support (LTS) *Release date: May 2009 http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki3 !!Major enhancements in 4 *Google Summer of Code 2009 **Workspaces & Perspectives **Kaltura integration (Collaborative video editing) **MediaWiki convertor *JQuery added as default *Revamp of edit interface *PDO as default *GroupMail *Memcached *Multi-domain support *Release date: November 2009 http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki4 !!Major enhancements in 5 *Shopping Cart & payments *WebDAV support *Spreadsheet upgraded to jQuery *jQueryS5 Slideshow *Searchable admin panels (!) *Token Access *MySQL replication *Advanced Rating & Metrics Dashboard *Performance enhancements (front & back-end) *Release date: April 2010 http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki5 !!Major enhancements in 6 *HTML5 (Canvas, etc) *Integration with BigBlueButton (Chat/Voice/video/screensharing) *Improved CRM and Shopping Cart (started in Tiki5) *Smarty 3? *What do you want to see? *http://dev.tiki.org/Roadmap *Release date: October 2010 http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki6 !!The Tiki model *Wiki community *Wiki way participation to the code *All-in-one codebase *Inherent synchronized releases *Lots of features, but no duplication *Dogfood *Scheduled releases (twice per year) *tiki.org/Model !!Benefits & challenges *Offers benefits **Tons of features, without duplication, excellent code re-use and code review, more collaboration, tight integration, easy upgrades, excellent interaction between features, etc. **Permits huge changes between versions because we don't have to worry about breaking 3rd party extensions. *But does bring challenges **Huge code base to maintain. **Admin panels ***hundreds of features ***with a total of over 1000 settings/options! (we had to add a search!) **Learning curve: 1000+ pages of documentation **What should be sensible defaults? !!3 things... * ...I want you to remember about this talk in 6 months ** The Wiki Way is not just for Wikipedia ** Tiki is an all-in-one solution ** The Tiki community eats its own DogFood, and welcomes you. !!Questions? *Tiki.org *Wiki-translation.com *Doubts about the Tiki model? **Tiki.org/Model *But mostly: **Tiki.org/Download !!Thank you