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History: Test_All_Menus

Source of version: 20 (current)

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Tiki has several ways to represent menus.

#Classc Tiki menu
**Vertical in module

It is also possible to start a menu showing at a certain level: ((Split_Level_Menu))

Each menu should be tested with all themes.

This profile intends to show off all menu possibilities

!Create menus (hierarchy)

!!Creating the menu
Uses: ((Very_Long_Menu))
- $profiles.tiki.org:Very_Long_Menu:Very_Long_Menu
!Assign in various ways
!!Add horizontal menu to top bar
 feature_phplayers: y
 feature_cssmenus: y
 feature_top_bar: y
 feature_sitemenu: y
 feature_topbar_id_menu: $profileobject:very_long_menu$

  type: module
  ref: module_demo_very_long_tree_menu
   name: module_demo_very_long_tree_menu
   position : right
   groups : Registered
   order: 5
   title: menu
   content: {phplayers id=$profileobject:very_long_menu$}

!!PLM Horiz
{phplayers id=$profileobject:very_long_menu$ type=horiz}

!!PLM vert
{phplayers id=$profileobject:very_long_menu$ type=vert}

!!tiki format
{menu id=$profileobject:very_long_menu$}

!!CSS/suckerfish format
{menu id=$profileobject:very_long_menu$ css=y} 

!!Split level menu
Will have
# one top-level horizontal menu
# second & third level menus will be on the left, and contextual to what menu item is chosen at the top

in top custom code:
{menu id=101 css=y type=horiz toLevel=0}

in module
{menu id=101 css=y type=vert sectionLevel=1}

Will have
# one top-level horizontal menu
# just below, second & third level horizontal menus, and contextual to what menu item is chosen at the top

in top custom code:
{menu id=101 css=y type=horiz toLevel=0}
{menu id=101 css=y type=horiz sectionLevel=1}


!Easy theme switcher
Uses: ((Test_All_Themes))

 - $profiles.tiki.org:Test_All_Themes:Test_All_Themes