History: Troubleshooting Existing Profiles
Source of version: 5 (current)
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^This page is for troubleshooting existing profiles shared here at profiles.tiki.org - for new or custom profiles see ((troubleshooting profiles))^ General troubleshooting tree. 1. Your Tiki Version Check. What version of tiki do you have locally installed? To check, see Admin>General. Profiles was first introduced in version 2, but you had best use ((doc:Tiki 3.0)) or better to use profiles. The higher the version, the more ((handlers)) will have been supported by that time. Upgrade to the latest version of the branch (3,4,5) that you are in. 2. Run the database upgrade script for your version. Since the upgrade script is designed so it can run repeatedly, you can run the upgrade script again just to be sure. 3. Ensure your Profiles manager can see the repository in question. (is the light green) 4. Turn on all the features required by the profile in Admin>Features. This may include plugins that are allowed in Admin>Editing and Plugins. 5. Check and see if your Groups or categories are overriding permissions that allow the content to be seen.