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History: User_Trackers_include_wiki_page

Source of version: 9 (current)

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            After this profile has been applied, you can:

# __Check what has been done in your website__:
## [tiki-logout.php|Logout] and go to register a new user in your site: tiki-register.php
# __Fine tune the fields selected to be shown in the registration process__
## [tiki-login_scr.php|Log in] again as admin
## Go to [tiki-admingroups.php?group=Registered]
## Find "Users Information Tracker" field, and you will see the newly created tracker "Users" from the dropdown, as well as the field "login" shown below. 
## In the text field called __ Users Information Tracker Fields Asked at Registration Time...__, edit the fieldIds for the fields of the __Users__ tracker, which you want to be active on the user registration form. Then hit __Save__.
# __See how to fill in all fields__
+ Each registered user can also edit the whole tracker item (all fields). To test it,  do as admin user:
## [tiki-adminusers.php|Add a user]
## Become that user:
++ Visit [tiki-login_scr.php] as admin, type that username in the field below "Switch User", and hit at __Switch__.
## Then, visit [tiki-view_tracker_item.php?view=+user] or go there from the right column module

Additionally, you can __configure the [https://doc.tiki.org/User+Wizard|User Wizard] to allow users to fill in some other fields__ from the user Tracker after they have been registered to your site. See: