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History: Workshop

Source of version: 26 (current)

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            Goal: to make a profile for a workshop about Tiki.

__Recommended scenario__
* 1 coach per group
* 3-10 students per group, each student with a computer with an Internet connection
* 1-3 hours/session or day (with a 10 min. break in the middle)
__Heavy duty per coach scenario__
*1 coach per group
*5-20 students per group, each student with a computer with an Internet connection
*3-6 hours/day (with several breaks in between)

Ideally, it will also be useful as a general tutorial about Tiki (to learn on their own). Since this is ((tw:dogfood)), it will ultimately improve Tiki as a ((dev:Learning Management System)). Indeed, this "recipe" could be re-used for any type of online training. Since it's a profile, it's more than just a set of slides or html pages. It's actual live documentation with real links & actions (and later we can put ((doc:quizzes)) to test what student understood) . Since profiles are managed in wiki pages, all involved (students, coaches, etc.) can improve the profile collectively. Ideas here are from lessons learned at http://tiki.org/20090516workshop

There is an intention to translate this workshop after it's in a "beta" or "release" state.

The workshop must be fairly comprehensive. In some cases, Tiki is installed within an organization, and the people that must learn to use have never used a wiki or a CMS. Their closest similar experience could be to use a webmail. Since some others in the group may have more experience (ex.: using blogs), we have to try to find a flexible way to cater to all experience levels.

Each student goes through a certain number of predefeined steps or to create a project of himself/herself. There would be "mandatory" steps and "optional/advanced" steps. Each students goes at their rhythm to complete a section. Students that complete the "optional/advanced" steps before the rest of the group is finished can before assistant coaches to help fellow students that need a little more help.

The workshop should be split in units so people may skips some or focus on some depending on interest.

Some sort of printed cheat sheet for Tiki syntax would be welcome, as well as a copy of the ((tw:TikiLiveCD)) (or in its usb form) for each student to take home and practice in a safe environment.


! Introduction
* General information about Tiki (15 min)

!! All attendees present themselves
* Why are you here? What are your plans with Tiki? (2-3 minutes per person)

It's important for trainers to know who is in the room, 
It's valuable that trainees discover other people with similar interests

!! General introduction about wikis
Wikipedia, etc.

!! About Tiki
short or long intro depending on the group

! Using Tiki (end user)
Students learn to use Tiki as a end-user (not with admin privileges)

For this section, the whole group works on an existing Tiki installation. Ideally, a common project. If not, just a test site. It should be possible to experiment. Students must be worried about making a mistake. Test messages can be deleted later.

!!# Visit the site

!!# Use search engine

!!# Register
Here the Tiki should be configured to permit self registration but no email address validation (which is Tiki default) so people don't have to validate their email and was precious time.

!!# Log in

!!# Discussion forum

!!!# Post messages

!!# Wiki pages

!!!# Edit the pages

!!!# Add comments

!!!# view history

!!!# Attach a file

!!!!# Use that attachment in a wiki page
!!# File Galleries
!!!# Where do I share my documents?
!!!# File Gallery for Images

!!# Trackers
!!!# Fill in a tracker form

!!# Blog
!!!# Comment blog posts

!!!# Add a new blog post

! Managing Tiki (Tiki admin)
Students learn to manage Tiki with admin privileges.

This assumes the Tiki is already installed. To learn how to install, please find the relevant section.

!!# Change the logo, site tite, subtitle and browser title

!!# Activate a feature

!!# Apply a profile

!!# Manage users, groups & perms

!!!# Add a group

!!!# Give permissions to that group

!!!# Add a user to that group

!!# Add a poll

!!# Add a module

!!# Add an RSS feed

!!# Trackers
!!!# Edit & delete data

!!!# Modify an existing tracker
Adding/edit fields

!# Install Tiki

!!# Create database

!!# Upload files

!!# Set permissions 

!!# Run installer

! Building themes (theme designers)

! Building profiles (solutions builder)

! Programming Tiki (developer)
((dev:Hello World))

! About this profile
!! Todo

!! Questions
* Should we use structures?