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History: YAML

Source of version: 4 (current)

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            YAML stands (ironically?) for "YAML ain't markup language" and was intended as a more human readable substitute for programming data structures. The specifications for [http://www.yaml.org/|YAML], unfortunately are not very human readable, so hopefully these rules will suffice. 

{BOX()}For special characters indicators in YAML please see the Index on http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2806177{BOX}

1. Indentation means scope. Indenting one or more spaces means that the indented stuff belongs to the less indented thing that precedes it. It doesn't matter how many spaces a child element is indented from a parent, but all children must be indented with the same number of spaces. Example:

{CODE(caption="YAML" colors="yaml")}
  type: wiki_page
  ref: foo_page
   name: Foo
   content: wikicontent:Foo

is the same as

{CODE(caption="YAML" colors="yaml")}
   type: wiki_page
   ref: foo_page
      name: Foo
      content: wikicontent:Foo