This profile is intended to show users how to create Pretty Trackers using Tiki Profiles.

Other pages to review when using this profile:

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preferences: feature_trackers: y

Groups & Permissions
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permissions: Anonymous: allow: [ ] deny: [ view ] Registered: description: Will be ignored because group is already created allow: - create_tracker_items - list_trackers - view_trackers - watch_trackers deny: [ ] Editors: description: Trusted users allow: - modify_tracker_items Admins: description: Have all rights allow: [ admin ]

Company Directory Tracker Definition
This Tracker is setup to be used as a Company Directory
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objects: - type: tracker ref: directory_tracker data: name: Company Directory description: Company Directory default_status: open show: [ creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] - type: tracker_field ref: directory_first_name data: name: First Name tracker: $directory_tracker type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: directory_last_name data: name: Last Name tracker: $directory_tracker type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 20 - type: tracker_field ref: directory_position data: name: Position tracker: $directory_tracker type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory ] order: 30 - type: tracker_field ref: directory_phone data: name: Phone tracker: $directory_tracker type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory ] order: 40 - type: tracker_field ref: directory_email data: name: E-Mail tracker: $directory_tracker type: email flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory ] order: 50

Sample data for Company Directory

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objects: - type: tracker_item ref: directory_employee_001 data: tracker: $directory_tracker status: open values: - [ $directory_first_name, John ] - [ $directory_last_name, Doe ] - [ $directory_position, President ] - [ $directory_phone, (555) 444-3322 ] - [ $directory_email, ] - type: tracker_item ref: directory_employee_002 data: tracker: $directory_tracker status: open values: - [ $directory_first_name, Mary ] - [ $directory_last_name, Smith ] - [ $directory_position, Secretary ] - [ $directory_phone, (555) 777-3322 ] - [ $directory_email, ]


Wiki Pages
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instructions: Company Directory objects: - type: wiki_page ref: company_intranet_company_directory_include data: name: Company Directory description: Company Directory lang: en mode: create_or_update content:wikicontent:pretty_tracker_dynamic_ref_trackerlist_include - type: wiki_page ref: wiki_template_include data: name: template lang: en mode: create_or_update content:wikicontent:pretty_tracker_dynamic_ref_tpl_include