General Information

This profile Bug_Tracker_16 allows to easily play with some of the new features added in the last versions compared to the old bug_tracker profile (tracker inline edition, sortable tables, change field type, clone items, etc.)
In addition, you can:
  • see the new Plugin PivotTable in action,
    Click to expand
    Click to expand
  • have a base infrastructure to test the email notification system to tracker fields of type "user" once they have been set to get notified of changes to the corresponding tracker items matching the username.

Manual instructions

You need to manually fix some values and settings that couldn't not be properly set at profile installation time due to technical reasons. Please proceed to:

1.1.1. Provide valid user emails

Go to user administration and replace the fake emails with some real ones frmo the following users:
  • submitter1
  • submitter2
  • reviewer1
  • admin (in case you have a brand new tiki install and you didn't set a valid email for the administrator user)

1.1.2. Set the notification options for the tracker fields for users

Go to edit the tracker fields of Type User Selector and modify them as:
  • "Submitted by"
    • Options for User Selector
      • Email Notification: NO -> "Yes"
  • "Assigned to"
    • Options for User Selector
      • Email Notification: NO -> "Only when other user modifies the item"
  • "Alert to"
    • Options for User Selector
      • Email Notification: NO -> "Only when other user modifies the item"

1.1.3. Add some new bug reports

Log in as submitter1 (default password submitter1) or submitter2 (default password submitter2) and add new bug reports, as well as comments to previously reported bugs bug other people. You should get the notification emails accordingly following your choices for each user selector field.
