Instructions about this "Random_header_images" Profile:
Remember that:
And remember that you can extend this profile, adding new sets of pictures to be shown in the header, etc.!:
Share your ideas and proposals in the tikiwiki-users or tikiwiki-devel list!:
Remember that:
- default configuration uses images at 800x150px, resized at 980px wide by the header module to fit in the 990px default configuration for the fixed site width
- a different random image is shown at each page load
- it uses elFinder modern file galery manager (with drag & drop capabilities!) by default
- you can tweak the module and file gallery defaults as needed for your needs
- File Gallery
Random Header Images Profile
- File Gallery
And remember that you can extend this profile, adding new sets of pictures to be shown in the header, etc.!:
Share your ideas and proposals in the tikiwiki-users or tikiwiki-devel list!: