One of Tiki's new features is the ability to register webservices to be used by plugins. This is a handler which, combined with Plugin Alias Handler, allows to create brand new plugins exploiting data from external systems. Please see: WebServicePlugin

Bugzilla Webservice example

This plugin would ask for the real data export URL for the webservice. This is not mandatory.

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preferences: enable: [ wikiplugin_$profileobject:bugzilla_ws$ ] objects: - type: webservice ref: bugzilla_ws data: name: $profilerequest:Webservice Name$bugzilla$ url: $profilerequest:Bugzilla Webservice URL$$ schema_version: 1.0 schema_documentation: - type: webservice_template ref: base data: webservice: $bugzilla_ws name: base engine: smarty output: tikiwiki content: | Title: $profileobject:response.title$ Status: $profileobject:response.status$ Assigned to: $profileobject:response.assignee.full_name$ - type: plugin_alias ref: plugin data: name: $bugzilla_ws implementation: webservice description: name: Bugzilla description: Displays bugs from remote hosts prefs: [ wikiplugin_$profileobject:bugzilla_ws$ ] params: template: name: Template required: n description: Name of the template to use. Default to base. id: name: Bug ID required: y description: Bug number from Bugzilla body: input: ignore default: "" params: service: $bugzilla_ws template: base id: 0

Webservice Object

nameyesAlpha-only name of the webservice
urlyesURL of the web service with arguments entered as %arg_name%
schema_version Schema version number disclosed by the web service
schema_documentation URL of the documentation for the web service

Webservice Template Object

webserviceyesWebservice to add the template to
nameyesAlpha-only name of the webservice
engineyesRendering engine used (smarty or javascript at this time)
outputyesOutput produced by the engine (tikiwiki or html)
contentyesTemplate content