Congratulations! You are almost ready to set your users free to do collaborative multilingual terminology on this site. However, you still need to carry out a few configuration operations. See Finalizing profile installation section on this page, which will allow you to complete the configuration.

Once this is done, you may want to edit the current page and delete the content of this box.

Loging in as admin

Before you can carry out any administrative operation, you need of course to login as admin. If you just installed the Tiki database, you can do this using:
  • user: admin
  • password: admin
The first time you log on as admin, the system will prompt you to change the admin password. Make sure to write down your new admin password somewhere so you remember it.

Once you have logged in a first time, you can create an account for yourself, and add it to the Admins group.

Managing permissions of different groups

By default, this Collaborative Multilingual Terminology site comes with three groups of users:

Anonymous: These are users who either do not have an account on the site, or have not logged in. By default, these users can view the content of the site (terminology pages, wiki pages, discussion forums), but not modify it. Also, they cannot change configuration of the overall site, nor change user permissions.

Registered: These are users who have an account on the site, and have logged in. By default, they have the same permissions as Anonymous. The main purpose of this group is to act as a halfway house for new users, until they can be approved into the Editors group by an Admin.

Editors: These are users who have logged on with a user id which has been approved into the Editors group by a site administrator. By default, these users can both view and modify content of the site. In particular, they can revert pages and terminology entries back to earlier versions. They cannot however delete content (either terms, or forum posts). Also, they cannot change configuration of the overall site, nor change user permissions.

Admins: These are users who have been approved into the Admin group by another person with Admin privileges. They have all permissions, including permissions to delete content, change site overall configuration, and assign or change user and group permissions.

If these permissions do not suit your needs, you can change them as follows:

  • Login with a user who has Admin privileges.
  • Go to the Group Admin panel.
  • Find the name of the group whose permissions you want to change, and click on the key icon on its right (in the Permissions column).
  • Check or uncheck permissions as needed, and click on the Update button. The name of permissions usually gives a good idea of what it's about. For more details about what a specific permission entails, you can search for that permission's name on the site Tiki help site.

Managing new users

Monitoring for Spam

Reconfiguring the templates for new terminology entries

Whenever a user creates a new terminology entry for a given language, the edit form gets pre-filled with an appropriate term template for that language.

As an admin, you can reconfigure this template to suit your site's particular terminology needs (for example, add or delete fields).
  • Go to the Content Templates admin panel.
  • In the templates section at the bottom, locate the template for the language that you want to change (ex: Term Template-en for the English term template). Click on the pen and paper icon at the right end of that row.
  • Change the template, and click on the Save button.
Note that you should probably change the content templates for all languages at the same time, so that they all contain the same fields.

Note also that changing a template only affects future terms that will be created with that template. Terms that have already been created with that template will remain unchanged.

Activating or de-activating languages

To make navigation and creation of terminology entries more efficient, we recommend that you only activate those languages that your users need.

To activate or deactivate a language:

  • Go to the multilingual configuration panel
  • Check the Restrict supported languages box
  • Hold down the Crtl key, and click on the language that you want to activate or de-activate.
  • Then click on the Change preferences button.

By default, the Collaborative Multilingual Terminology profile comes with templates for creating new terminology entries in French and English. If you activate another language, you will need to create a template for that language, as follows.

  • Go to the Content Templates admin panel.
  • In the Create new template section, go to the Name field and enter a name of the following form: Term Template-2CharLanguageID. Here, 2CharLanguageID refers to the ISO-639 language identifier (ex: to create a template for Spanish terms, use the name: Term Template-es).
  • In the Use in section, check the Wiki box.
  • In the Template field, type the content of the template (you should probably base it on the content of the terminology template for some other language).
  • Click on the Save button.

You will probably also want to set up a new discussion Forum for that language. To create a forum:

  • click on the Admin Forums link on the left (in the Forums section).
  • click on Create/Edit Forum tab
  • For the forum name, enter something like "It <-> En questions" (assuming the new language is Italian).
  • Enter a description like this "For questions between English and Italian / Per le questioni tra inglese e italiano"
  • Click Save button


Finalizing installation of the terminology profile

Once you have installed the Collaborative Multilingual terminology profile, you are almost ready to set your users free to do collaborative multilingual terminology on this site. However, you still need to carry out a few configuration operations.

Set the Email sender

First, you need to set the Email sender setting. When the system sends email to your users (ex: change notifications), it will use this as the return address for the message. To set this setting:

  • Go to the general settings panel
  • In the Sender email field, enter a valid email address.
  • Click on the Change preferences button at bottom of the page.

Set supported languages

In order to make creation of new terms and equivalents more efficient for your users, we also recommend that you specify the list of languages that your site will support. Otherwise, users will have to browse through long lists of languages, most of which they may not care about.

For instructions on how to activate languages, see Activating or de-activating languages section on this page.