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This is a demo profile that sets up Tiki as a timesheet tracker - it enables tracker feature and sets up a sample timesheet tracker with ability to import into/export from it. Main inspiration comes from Federated timesheets project


Current Tiki master version (future Tiki 25). Timesheet tracking itself will work with Tiki 21+ but special import/export features will only be available in latest Tiki version.

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permissions: { } preferences: feature_trackers: 'y' tracker_change_field_type: 'y' tracker_field_rules: 'y' tracker_refresh_itemslist_detail: 'y' tracker_show_comments_below: 'y' tracker_system_currency: 'y' tracker_tabular_enabled: 'y' trackerfield_autoincrement: 'y' trackerfield_currency: 'y' trackerfield_dropdownother: 'y' trackerfield_dynamiclist: 'y' trackerfield_file: 'y' trackerfield_groupselector: 'y' trackerfield_image: 'y' trackerfield_itemslist: 'y' trackerfield_math: 'y' trackerfield_relation: 'y' trackerfield_usergroups: 'y' wikiplugin_colorbox: 'y' wikiplugin_customsearch: 'y' wikiplugin_footnote: 'y' wikiplugin_icon: 'y' wikiplugin_jq: 'y' wikiplugin_js: 'y' wikiplugin_listexecute: 'y' wikiplugin_objectlink: 'y' wikiplugin_pivottable: 'y' wikiplugin_preference: 'y' wikiplugin_preview: 'y' wikiplugin_sign: 'y' wikiplugin_tr: 'y' wikiplugin_trackercalendar: 'y' wikiplugin_trackerquerytemplate: 'y' feature_wiki: 'y' wikiHomePage: '$profileobject:timesheets_homepage$' objects: - type: tracker ref: timesheets _id: '71' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: Timesheets description: '' restrict_end: '0' form_classes: '' restrict_start: '0' - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsUser _id: '986' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: User permname: tsUser tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: autoassign: 1 owner: 1 notify_template_format: text groupIds: - 0 canChangeGroupIds: - 0 showRealname: 1 type: user order: '0' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - link - list - public - mandatory - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsProject _id: '990' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: Project permname: tsProject tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: samerow: 1 autocomplete: 'n' exact: 'n' type: text_field order: '10' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - link - list - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsTask _id: '991' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: Task permname: tsTask tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: samerow: 1 autocomplete: 'n' exact: 'n' type: text_field order: '20' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - link - list - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsDescription _id: '989' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: Description permname: tsDescription tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: samerow: 1 distinct: 'n' wysiwyg: 'n' type: text_area order: '30' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - link - list - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsStartTime _id: '992' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: 'Start Time' permname: tsStartTime tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: datetime: dt blankdate: blank type: calendar order: '40' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - list - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsEndTime _id: '993' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: 'End Time' permname: tsEndTime tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: datetime: dt blankdate: blank type: calendar order: '50' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - list - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsDate _id: '987' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: Date permname: tsDate tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: datetime: d blankdate: blank type: calendar order: '60' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - list - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsDuration _id: '988' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: Duration permname: tsDuration tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: minutes: 1 hours: 1 type: DUR order: '70' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - list - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsMinutesCalculated _id: '994' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: 'Minutes (Calculated)' permname: tsMinutesCalculated tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: calculation: '(coalesce (round (div tsDuration 60) 0) (round (div (sub tsEndTime tsStartTime) 60) 0) 0)' recalculate: index type: math order: '80' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - link - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsHoursCalculated _id: '995' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: 'Hours (Calculated)' permname: tsHoursCalculated tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: calculation: '(round (div tsMinutesCalculated 60) 2)' recalculate: index type: math order: '90' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - link - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsURI _id: '1005' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: URI permname: tsURI tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: calculation: '(coalesce tsTimeldID tsURI (concat base_url (str api/trackers/) trackerId (str /items/) itemId))' recalculate: save sortField: text_sort type: math order: '100' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsMiteID _id: '998' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: 'Mite ID' permname: tsMiteID tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: samerow: 1 dec_point: . type: numeric order: '110' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - list - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsSource _id: '1001' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: Source permname: tsSource tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: samerow: 1 autocomplete: 'n' exact: 'n' type: text_field order: '120' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - list - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsPrejournalID _id: '1003' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: 'Prejournal ID' permname: tsPrejournalID tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: samerow: 1 autocomplete: 'n' exact: 'n' type: text_field order: '130' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - list - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsTimeldID _id: '1004' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: 'Timeld ID' permname: tsTimeldID tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: samerow: 1 type: text_field order: '140' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - list - public - type: tracker_field ref: timesheets_tsScoroID _id: '1007' _timestamp: 1661847907 data: name: 'Scoro ID' permname: tsScoroID tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' options: samerow: 1 autocomplete: 'n' exact: 'n' type: text_field order: '150' visby: { } editby: { } flags: - public - type: tracker_option ref: timesheets_sort_default_field _id: sort_default_field-71 _timestamp: 1661847907 data: tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' name: sort_default_field value: modification - type: tabular ref: timesheet_full _id: '16' _timestamp: 1661847927 data: name: 'Timesheet - Full' tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' fields: - label: URI field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsURI$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'y' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: User field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsUser$' mode: username remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: Project field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsProject$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: Task field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsTask$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: Description field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDescription$' mode: default-raw remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: 'Start Time' field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsStartTime$' mode: 'long datetime format' remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: 'End Time' field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsEndTime$' mode: 'long datetime format' remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: Date field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDate$' mode: yyyy-mm-dd remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: Duration field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDuration$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: 'Minutes (Calculated)' field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsMinutesCalculated$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: 'Hours (Calculated)' field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsHoursCalculated$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' filters: { } config: simple_headers: 1 import_update: 1 ignore_blanks: 0 import_transaction: 0 bulk_import: 0 skip_unmodified: 0 encoding: '' format: '' odbc_config: { } api_config: { } - type: tabular ref: timesheet_time _id: '17' _timestamp: 1661847928 data: name: 'Timesheet - Time' tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' fields: - label: 'User name' field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsUser$' mode: username remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: 'Project name' field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsProject$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: Issue field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDescription$' mode: default-raw remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: Time field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDuration$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: 'Start date' field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsStartTime$' mode: 'long datetime format' remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: 'End date' field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsEndTime$' mode: 'long datetime format' remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' filters: { } config: simple_headers: 1 import_update: 1 ignore_blanks: 0 import_transaction: 0 bulk_import: 0 skip_unmodified: 0 encoding: '' odbc_config: { } api_config: { } - type: tabular ref: timesheet_scoro _id: '18' _timestamp: 1661847929 data: name: 'Timesheet - Scoro' tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' fields: - label: time_entry_id field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsScoroID$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'y' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: user_id field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsUser$' mode: username remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: event_id field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsTask$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: description field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDescription$' mode: default-raw remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: start_datetime field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsStartTime$' mode: 'long datetime format' remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: completed_datetime field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsEndTime$' mode: 'long datetime format' remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: duration field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDuration$' mode: 'hh:mm:ss' remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' filters: { } config: simple_headers: 1 import_update: 1 ignore_blanks: 0 import_transaction: 0 bulk_import: 0 skip_unmodified: 0 encoding: '' format: json odbc_config: { } api_config: list_url: 'https://smartwary.scoro.com/api/v2/timeEntries/list' list_data_path: data create_url: 'https://smartwary.scoro.com/api/v2/timeEntries/modify' update_url: 'https://smartwary.scoro.com/api/v2/timeEntries/modify/#id' modify_data_path: request - type: tabular ref: timesheet_mite _id: '19' _timestamp: 1661847930 data: name: 'Timesheet - Mite' tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' fields: - label: id field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsMiteID$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'y' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: user_name field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsUser$' mode: username remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: date_at field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDate$' mode: yyyy-mm-dd remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: minutes field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDuration$' mode: number-minutes remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: note field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDescription$' mode: default-raw remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: project_name field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsProject$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' filters: { } config: simple_headers: 1 import_update: 1 ignore_blanks: 0 import_transaction: 0 bulk_import: 0 skip_unmodified: 0 encoding: '' format: json odbc_config: { } api_config: list_url: 'https://kroky.mite.yo.lk/time_entries.json?user_id=current' list_data_path: .time_entry create_url: 'https://kroky.mite.yo.lk/time_entries.json' update_url: 'https://kroky.mite.yo.lk/time_entries/#id.json' modify_data_path: time_entry - type: tabular ref: timesheet_pondersource _id: '21' _timestamp: 1661847937 data: name: 'Timesheet - pondersource' tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' fields: - label: worker field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsUser$' mode: username remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: project field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsProject$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: amount field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDuration$' mode: number-hours remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: description field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDescription$' mode: default-raw remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: movementId field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsPrejournalID$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'y' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: timestamp_ field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsStartTime$' mode: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' filters: - label: Project field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsProject$' mode: fulltext position: default config: simple_headers: 1 import_update: 1 ignore_blanks: 0 import_transaction: 1 bulk_import: 0 skip_unmodified: 0 encoding: '' format: json mapping: null odbc_config: { } api_config: list_url: 'https://time.pondersource.com/v1/print-timesheet-json' list_method: POST list_parameters: '["%worker%:%project%"]' list_data_path: '' list_mapping: '' create_url: 'https://time.pondersource.com/v1/worked-hours' create_method: POST create_format: '["%timestamp_%", "%worker%", "%project%", "%amount%", "%description%", "%worker%"]' update_url: 'https://time.pondersource.com/v1/update-entry' update_method: POST update_format: '["%timestamp_%", "%worker%:%project%", "%amount%", "%movementId%"]' update_limit: '' modify_data_path: '0' - type: tabular ref: timesheet_timeld _id: '23' _timestamp: 1661847938 data: name: 'Timesheet - timeld' tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' fields: - label: user field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsUser$' mode: username remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: project field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsProject$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: description field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDescription$' mode: default-raw remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: start_date field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsStartTime$' mode: 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss(+/-)TZ' remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: duration field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDuration$' mode: number-minutes remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: id field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsTimeldID$' mode: default remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: uri field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsURI$' mode: default-recalc remoteField: '' displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'y' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' filters: { } config: simple_headers: 0 import_update: 1 ignore_blanks: 0 import_transaction: 0 bulk_import: 0 skip_unmodified: 0 encoding: '' format: ndjson mapping: null odbc_config: { } api_config: list_url: 'https://timeld.org/api/rpt/%user%/own/%project%' list_method: GET list_parameters: '' list_data_path: '' list_mapping: "[\r\n {\"struct\": {\"@id\":\"fedb/fedt\",\"@type\":\"Project\"}, \"repeat\": \"1\"},\r\n {\"struct\": {\"@type\":\"Timesheet\",\"@id\":\"%user%/%project%\"}, \"repeat\": \"n\"},\r\n {\"struct\": {\"@type\":\"Entry\",\"@id\":\"%id-uri%\",\"activity\":\"%description%\",\"duration\":\"%duration%\",\"start.@value\":\"%start_date%\",\"vf:provider.@id\":\"http://timeld.org/%user%\",\"external.@id\":\"%uri%\"}, \"repeat\": \"n\"}\r\n]" create_url: 'https://timeld.org/api/import' create_method: POST create_format: "{\"@id\":\"fedb/fedt\",\"@type\":\"Project\"}\r\n{\"@type\":\"Timesheet\",\"project\":[{\"@id\":\"fedb/fedt\"}],\"@id\":\"%user%/%project%\"}\r\n{\"@type\":\"Entry\",\"session\":{\"@id\":\"%user%/%project%\"},\"activity\":\"%description%\",\"duration\":%duration%,\"start\":{\"@value\":\"%start_date%\",\"@type\":\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime\"},\"vf:provider\":{\"@id\":\"http://timeld.org/%user%\"},\"external\":{\"@id\":\"%uri%\"}}" update_url: 'https://timeld.org/api/import' update_method: POST update_format: "{\"@id\":\"fedb/fedt\",\"@type\":\"Project\"}\r\n{\"@type\":\"Timesheet\",\"project\":[{\"@id\":\"fedb/fedt\"}],\"@id\":\"%user%/%project%\"}\r\n{\"@type\":\"Entry\",\"session\":{\"@id\":\"%user%/%project%\"},\"activity\":\"%description%\",\"duration\":%duration%,\"start\":{\"@value\":\"%start_date%\",\"@type\":\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime\"},\"vf:provider\":{\"@id\":\"http://timeld.org/%user%\"},\"external\":{\"@id\":\"%uri%\"}}" update_limit: id= modify_data_path: '' - type: tabular ref: timesheet_ical _id: '24' _timestamp: 1661847942 data: name: 'Timesheet - iCal' tracker: '$profileobject:timesheets$' fields: - label: URI field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsURI$' mode: default remoteField: URL displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'y' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: User field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsUser$' mode: username remoteField: ORGANIZER displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: Project field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsProject$' mode: default remoteField: SUMMARY displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: Description field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDescription$' mode: default-raw remoteField: DESCRIPTION displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: 'Start Time' field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsStartTime$' mode: 'long datetime format' remoteField: DTSTART displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: 'End Time' field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsEndTime$' mode: 'long datetime format' remoteField: DTEND displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' - label: Duration field: '$profileobject:timesheets_tsDuration$' mode: iso8601 remoteField: DURATION displayAlign: left isPrimary: 'n' isReadOnly: 'n' isExportOnly: 'n' isUniqueKey: 'n' filters: { } config: simple_headers: 1 import_update: 1 ignore_blanks: 0 import_transaction: 0 bulk_import: 0 skip_unmodified: 0 encoding: '' format: ical mapping: null odbc_config: { } api_config: { } - type: wiki_page ref: timesheets_entry_start_and_end_time _id: 'Timesheets entry - start and end time' _timestamp: 1649767998 data: name: 'Timesheets entry - start and end time' content: 'wikicontent:Timesheets entry - start and end time' lang: en wysiwyg: 'n' - type: wiki_page ref: timesheets_entry_date_and_duration _id: 'Timesheets entry - date and duration' _timestamp: 1649768009 data: name: 'Timesheets entry - date and duration' content: 'wikicontent:Timesheets entry - date and duration' lang: en wysiwyg: 'n' - type: wiki_page ref: timesheets_homepage _id: 'Timesheets homepage' _timestamp: 1649769181 data: name: 'Timesheets homepage' content: 'wikicontent:Timesheets homepage' lang: en wysiwyg: 'n' - type: wiki_page ref: timesheets_list _id: 'Timesheets list' _timestamp: 1649769186 data: name: 'Timesheets list' content: 'wikicontent:Timesheets list' lang: en wysiwyg: 'n' unknown_objects: { }

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