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History: Trackers

Source of version: 4 (current)

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            !! What are Trackers?
Using Trackers, you can create ((forms)) for collecting data and make reports from that data. Trackers can combine structured information collected from users the feature is a powerful, flexible tool. Originally, trackers were used to collect and manage bugs in Tiki. They evolved into an open ended system where you can track any kind of user input in a customizable form. Each tracker has its own mini database. Users with the appropriate permissions can devise trackers to collect any kind of information that you want.

!! Four Steps to make a Tracker
||__Step__|__Details__|__Help Page__
1. Create the Tracker|Admin names the tracker, and assign overall parameters and permissions| Creating a Tracker
2. Add fields to the Tracker|Admin defines the columns and type of information collected|Adding fields to a tracker
3. Add items to the tracker|Users fill out the forms to create ''items'' in the tracker|Adding items to a tracker
4. View or List the results|Use plugins to view a customized tracker output in a page|Viewing Tracker Results
5.Assign Trackers to Groups|optional - trackers can also be used upon registration.|Assigning Trackers to groups||

!! What can Trackers be used for?
Trackers can recreate online any kind of table or spreadsheet, not including the fancy formatting or calculations.
* support tickets
* contact managers
* feature requests
* purchase orders
* bug reports
* feedback reports
* news submissions
* project management

__Trackers can:__
* be used to collect additional data from users upon registration.
* be used like a customizable articles feature with admin definable forms
* assist workflows by tracking tasks.
* act as expanded polls, surveys or quizzes
* import and export their settings and data.
__Trackers can't:__
* do fancy calculations (simple ones yes)