This handler allows to create trackers and the related fields. This page describes the syntax and available options. To use trackers in profiles, Object References are required. Item creation is also supported.

Tracker Handler Example for a Bug Tracker

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preferences: feature_trackers: y objects: - type: tracker ref: bug_tracker data: name: Bugs description: Simple Bug Tracker default_status: open show: [status, creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] allow: comments - type: tracker_field ref: bug_summary data: name: Summary tracker: $bug_tracker type: text_field flags: [searchable, public, list, mandatory] order: 1 - type: tracker_field ref: bug_priority data: name: Priority tracker: $bug_tracker type: numeric flags: [searchable, public, list] order: 2 - type: tracker_field ref: bug_description data: name: Description tracker: $bug_tracker type: text_area flags: [public, mandatory] order: 3 - type: tracker_field ref: bug_assignee data: name: Assigned to tracker: $bug_tracker type: user flags: [searchable, public, list] order: 4 - type: tracker_item ref: bug_001 data: tracker: $bug_tracker status: open values: - [ $bug_summary, No interface to install profiles ] - [ $bug_assignee, lph ] - [ $bug_priority, 3 ] - [ $bug_description, "Some description" ]

Some options containing field ids cannot be set during the tracker creation due to circular dependencies. To solve this, the tracker_option handler can be used:

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objects: type: tracker_option data: name: popup_fields value: $bug_assignee tracker: $bug_tracker

Tracker Object

Field NameMandatoryValue
nameyesTracker name
description Full tracker description
list_default_status A single value or multiple values from (open,pending,closed)
email The email address to contact for any activity on the tracker
email_simplified Send the emails in a simplified format
default_status Status applied to new items from (open,pending,closed)
modification_status Status applied on item modification (open,pending,closed)
show List of display options to activate
statusDisplay the field status field
status_admin_onlyMake the status field only visible to admins
creation_dateDisplay the creation date in the full view
list_creation_dateDisplay the creation date in the item list
modification_dateDisplay the last modification date in the full view
list_modification_dateDisplay the last modification date in the item list
allow List of permissions granted
user_see_ownAllow the user to see his/her own items through Plugin TrackerList with param view=user. No extra perm is needed at the tracker level. (Tiki 12.1+)
creator_modificationAllow the creator to modify the item
creator_group_modificationAllow users in the same default group as the creator to edit the item
creator_deletionAllow the creator to delete the item
creator_group_deletionAllow users in the same default group as the creator to delete the item
ratingEnable ratings on items
commentsEnable comments on items
attachmentsEnable attachments on items
one_item_per_userOnly one item per user or IP (Tiki 5.1+)
creation_date_format Format to display the creation date in
modification_date_format Format to display the last modification date in
sort_default_field The field to sort the tracker list with (creation,modification,item)
sort_default_order Sort order (asc,desc)
restrict_start Only allow items to be added from the provided date
restrict_end Only allow items to be added until the provided date
hide_list_empty_fields (y,n)
allow_one_item_per_user Only one item per user or IP (y,n)
section_format Determines how headers will be rendered when using header fields as form section dividers (flat, tab)
popup_fields List detail pop-up (Comma-separated list of field IDs)
admin_only_view Restrict non admins to wiki page access only (y,n) Tiki 10.1+

Tracker Field Object

Field NameMandatoryValue
nameyesThe label of the field
permname Reference name to be used in webservices and internal libraries, defaults to the profile object reference or field id
trackeryesThe ID of the tracker, usually a reference to a tracker object
description A full description of the field
descparsed description field is wiki parsed y/n (default n): available from v6.0 onwards
errordesc error message text for the field: available from v6.0 onwards
type Tracker field type (list below)
optionsno*Option string, same as tracker field form. Not always needed.
order numeric field to indicate the display order of the tracker fields
visible Field accessibility (public, admin_only, admin_editable, creator_editable, immutable)
visBy Groupnames separated by comma that can view the field. Available since 16.0 (and 15.3)
editBy Groupnames separated by comma that can edit the field. Available since 16.0 (and 15.3)
flags List of field options
listDisplay field in item list
linkLink field to full item view
searchableAllow to filter on field
publicDisplay field in trackerlist
mandatoryIf field is required
multilingualIf field is multilingual

Field types

These are the field names as recognized by TikiProfiles. For more information about the options argument, see Trackers Documentation.
  • action
  • a (this type is for textarea, text_area keyword is not supported yet)
  • attachment
  • auto_increment
  • calendar (corresponds to the field "Date and Time (Date Picker)", the jQuery-UI datetime picker)
  • category
  • checkbox
  • computed
  • country
  • datetime (corresponds to the field "Date and Time", the 5-drop-down [dd-mm-yyyy hh-mm] basic date picker). See also calendar above.
  • dropdown
  • dropdown_other
  • email
  • group
  • header
  • image
  • ip_address
  • item_link
  • item_list
  • item_list_dynamic
  • map
  • multimedia
  • numeric
  • preference
  • radio
  • static
  • system
  • text_field
  • user
  • user_subscription

Field preference names (since Tiki8)

Since Tiki8, some tracker fields are not enabled by default, and you need to set them as enabled in the profile definition. Their names are not necessarily the same ones (unluckily). Some of those names are (uncompleted list):
  • trackerfield_autoincrement: y
  • trackerfield_itemlink: y
  • trackerfield_itemslist: y

Tracker Item Object

Field NameMandatoryValue
trackeryesThe tracker to add the item to.
status The status of the tracker item (open,pending,closed)
valuesyesA list of field-value pairs. For each item in the list, the first value is the ID of the tracker field and the second value is the value to attribute to it.

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objects: - type: tracker_item ref: event_calendar_demo_item data: tracker: $profileobject:event_calendar$ values: - [4, Demo Event] - [5, This is a demo event that is installed together with the add-on.]

From Tiki 14 on you can use permNames, as follows:
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objects: - type: tracker_item ref: event_calendar_demo_item data: tracker: $profileobject:event_calendar$ values: - [eventName, Demo Event] - [eventDescription, This is a demo event that is installed together with the add-on.] - [eventMap, -79.3831843,43.653226,10] - [eventStart, 1425913200] - [eventEnd, 1425938400]


How can I assign specific permissions to a tracker I create? Ex.: tiki_p_create_tracker_items assigned to Anonymous