Plugin disabled
Plugin fluidgrid cannot be executed.
1.1. Tiki Features
These Tiki features are enabled, and included some demo content with geolocation details:
- Wiki pages, Tracker items, Blog posts, articles and web services.
1.2. Further configuration steps
Rebuild unified search index
Add Web service 1 - with NO params
You need to setup your webservices here:
Add this information:
- url:
- Type: REST
- Body of POST request:
(leave this previous box empty)
And click at
| Lookup | button.
Then, since there are no special parameters defined in this example, you can proceed to test it.
Click at
| Test Input | button
This will produce some results a the "
Response Information" box, in json format. And they should contain a section with 100 [records] (out of the several thousand records available in total (with no filtering based on web service params)
Then you can register this web service by means of:
- providing this short alphanumeric name for it:
(since it's the predefined web service name expected by wiki pages created by this tiki profile; stands for 'Barcelona Terrasses No Params'), and
- click at the | Register Service | button
Once the web service is registered, then you can register a webservice
template, providing this information in the form at the bottom of that page:
- Name:
(template name needs to be short and only with alphanumeric characters)
- Engine: Index
- Output: Multi-index
- (Text area field):
Copy to clipboard
"records": [
"type": "sortable",
"field": "title"
"type": "plaintext",
"field": "type"
"type": "numeric",
"field": "lon"
"type": "numeric",
"field": "lat"
And click at
| Register Template | button.
Last, you will need to rebuild the unified search index again:
Add Web service 2 - WITH params
You need to setup your webservices here:
Add this information:
- url:
- Type: REST
- Body of POST request:
(leave this previous box empty)
And click at
| Lookup | button.
Then test the parameters defined. You can test with:
- n_limit:
- wsq:
{"NOM_DISTRICTE":"Sant Andreu"}
- Bypass cache (X) (leave it checked)
And click at
| Test Input | button
This will produce some results a the "
Response Information" box, in json format. And they should contain a section with 8 [records] (out of the 380 records available passing this filter of district name (NOM_DISTRICTE)
Then you can register this web service by means of:
- providing this short alphanumeric name for it:
(since it's the predefined web service name expected by wiki pages created by this tiki profile; stands for 'Barcelona Terrasses Params'), and
- click at the | Register Service | button
Once the web service is registered, then you can register a webservice
template, providing this information in the form at the bottom of that page:
- Name:
(template name needs to be short and only with alphanumeric characters)
- Engine: Index
- Output: Multi-index
- (Text area field):
Copy to clipboard
"records": [
"type": "sortable",
"field": "title"
"type": "plaintext",
"field": "type"
"type": "numeric",
"field": "lon"
"type": "numeric",
"field": "lat"
And click at
| Register Template | button.
Last, you will need to rebuild the unified search index again:
Map enhancements (optional)
- If you use Tiki version 20.1 or higher, you can use some extra background maps. Some of them require that you have an api key:
- nextzen (vector tiles),
- bing maps (which include satellite images, among other tilesets).
More information in the Maps control panel
1.3. How to use it....
Browse geolocated content through the menu shown in the top bar module.
See further details on the parameters used in the documentation:
Last, but not least, remember that you can extend this profile!: