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This is a (work-in-progress) instructions page from https://profiles.tiki.org/GanttChart

1. Gantt Chart

See: (($profileobject:wiki_page_sample_gantt_chart$))

2. Manage project data

You can do so through the related tracker items: TrackerGantt, or through the GanttChart editor itself.

3. Status transition rules (aka project workflow)

Task statuses are a key feature in the PluginGanttChart.

Try to close some tasks (change status to “completed”); you will see how dependent tasks/children will change their status according to the following rules:

  • any status-> STATUS_DONE: may activate dependent tasks, both suspended and undefined. Will set to done all descendants.
  • STATUS_FAILED -> STATUS_DONE: do nothing if not forced by hand.
  • STATUS_UNDEFINED -> STATUS_ACTIVE: all children become active, if they have no dependencies.
  • STATUS_SUSPENDED -> STATUS_ACTIVE : sets to active all children and their descendants that have no inhibiting dependencies.
  • STATUS_DONE -> STATUS_ACTIVE: all those that have dependencies must be set to suspended.
  • STATUS_FAILED -> STATUS_ACTIVE: nothing happens: child statuses must be reset by hand.
  • any status-> STATUS_SUSPENDED: all active children and their active descendants become suspended. when not failed or forced
  • any status-> STATUS_UNDEFINED: all active children and their active descendants become suspended. when not failed or forced.
  • any status-> STATUS_FAILED: children and dependants are set to failed.

4. More information

You can read more about this plugin at:
Related: https://doc.tiki.org/PluginGanttChart

Created by Xavi (as xavidp - admin). Last Modification: Wednesday 14 of August, 2019 22:31:56 GMT-0000 by Xavier de Pedro.